Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Categories: History | Positive

These pictures, collected at the eBay online auction and elsewhere by collector Robert E. Jackson, offer an unusual and funny look at how in the late XIX and early XX centuries the masters of photography processed the pictures to behead their heroes or put these very heads somewhere else.

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

For 20 years he has collected about 12 thousand photos. 

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

Headless photoshop of the beginning of the last century

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