Hatches from around the world

Hatches from around the world

Categories: Design and Architecture

Says Ilya Varlamov: "Today let's talk about the hatches. It so happened that hatches become an integral part of urban streets. They are located in a completely incomprehensible to me places. Some on the road, some on the sidewalks. If the hatches on the roads, everything is clear — they perform exclusively utilitarian function, the sidewalks, the story is more complicated. Luke on the pedestrian zone can't be ugly. The hatch is a city of flowers under the feet of pedestrians. These flowers can only be beautiful. Every normal city has its own hatch. The design of manholes can be judged against city hall to the people. In the cities, where the love and respect of the inhabitants, they can't shove a rusty, dirty, cast iron pancake on the sidewalk. Hatches give people warmth and joy, hatches decorate the city, the hatches can be a work of art and landmark, Luke is the symbol of the city.

It's hard for me to walk on our streets, it hurts me to step that closes the wells on our sidewalks. I can't watch disregard pedestrians. The most offensive, most people is not that they are being deceived. Let's see, what should be the hatches. My personal collection of over 2,000 photographs of manhole covers in this post I have compiled the most interesting of them."

Hatches from around the world

Hatches from around the world

Hatches are different. In many cities on the hatch depicts the city emblem, symbol or logo.

Hatches from around the world

Here Luke Bratislava.

Hatches from around the world


Hatches from around the world


Hatches from around the world

New Luke Budapest

Hatches from around the world

On the manholes of Rome, like the emblem of this city, written SPQR (traditional Roman acronym for "Populisque Senatus Romanus", which translated from Latin means "the Senate and people of Rome").

Hatches from around the world

The post Luke in Budapest

Hatches from around the world

Hatches in Copenhagen

Hatches from around the world

Luke from the Swedish city of malmö.

Hatches from around the world

In some cities, the hatches easier, such as American hatches

Hatches from around the world

Sometimes the hatch is a work of art.

Hatches from around the world

Look, what a miracle!

Hatches from around the world

This hatch to take pity...

Hatches from around the world

I would have a home like this in the floor made it fun!

Hatches from around the world

For these hatches cost to reinvent cities and streets. Luke is the one with the soul, the heat which it gives passers-by.

Hatches from around the world

The most distinguished Japanese.

Hatches from around the world

In Japan, due attention and care is given to each element of urban design, and manholes – is no exception.

Hatches from around the world

The art of decoration of such hatches reached in Japan extent the national obsession, numerous municipal departments competing against each other to see who hatches decorated better.

Hatches from around the world

In Japan, the hatches paint. It turns out very cool.

Hatches from around the world

Look, what a miracle!

Hatches from around the world

Here are just a small part of my collection of Japanese covers. There are hundreds of species in each area are different. The Japanese are very proud of their hatches.

Hatches from around the world

There are hatches with photo printing

Hatches from around the world

Hatches from around the world

There are even some hatches.

Hatches from around the world

It's hatch with a quote by American writer Kurt Vonnegut.

Hatches from around the world

And in the Italian city of Ferrara in the past year, opened a Museum of the hatches!

Hatches from around the world

Luke not only can be a decoration of the city, it can bring and use. Here, for example, hatches navigation.

Hatches from around the world

They suffered a major sights and indicates the distance to them.

Hatches from around the world

These hatches can bring the city income, because they can advertise.

Hatches from around the world

Now let's remember how to look like our hatches. Every time I go outside, my eyes welling with tears. I can't believe that Moscow and other Russian cities deserve such hatches. Where do these rusty, dirty pancakes? Why our cities are depriving yourself of the beauty beneath your feet? What is this?

Hatches from around the world

Look at these two hatches. In 2004, in Vancouver held a competition for the design of urban hatch. The competition was attended by 640 people. These two hatches won and now they decorate the city. A few days ago announced a new contest. The city is ready to make 3000 new covers project a winner.

Hatches from around the world

Here, the most popular work submitted to the contest in 2004.

Hatches from around the world

Luke often becomes an object for designers. Hatches are printed on stamps.

Hatches from around the world

In view of the hatch make the cushions.

Hatches from around the world


Hatches from around the world

And even bags.

Hatches from around the world

Very popular cufflinks with a picture of the hatch.

Hatches from around the world

The plug for the sink.

Keywords: Design and architecture | Sewage | Ilya Varlamov | Luke

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