"Golden hands": Finnish artist knits people and even whole rooms

"Golden hands": Finnish artist knits people and even whole rooms

Categories: Exhibition | Society | World

Finnish artist Liisa Hietanen is a real "master from God". A knitted grandmother with a dog, whom you have probably already met on the Internet, is one of her few works.

We invite you to personally evaluate the talent of a woman by getting acquainted with her other creations that we have collected for you in this material.

"Golden hands": Finnish artist knits people and even whole rooms

One day Liisa Hietanen wanted to make a sculpture of a primary school teacher. The artist decided that the knitting technique would be best suited for this, and she was absolutely right!

Many netizens who saw her work in the photo could barely distinguish a knitted grandmother from a real one! Some thought they were looking at twin grandmothers. Only an unnatural dog gave out.

And here is this photo:

"Golden hands": Finnish artist knits people and even whole rooms

Over the years of knitting practice, Liisa has improved her skills so much that she is perfectly able to repeat not only large objects, but also small details — watches, inscriptions in notebooks, shoelaces in shoes and so on.

See for yourself!

"Golden hands": Finnish artist knits people and even whole rooms

Imagine how much patience it takes to do this.

But like this, would you guess that it's not real?

"Golden hands": Finnish artist knits people and even whole rooms

If you don't look closely, it seems that a real person is sitting at the table.

"Golden hands": Finnish artist knits people and even whole rooms

And he really reads!

"Golden hands": Finnish artist knits people and even whole rooms

And this is a whole knitted room! Even the walls were made by the woman herself."Golden hands": Finnish artist knits people and even whole rooms

Liisa even tied up the trash in the bucket! What attention to detail.

The mother feeds the baby. And she's wearing knitted socks, how cute it is!

"Golden hands": Finnish artist knits people and even whole rooms

It's all made of yarn!

"Golden hands": Finnish artist knits people and even whole rooms

It's as if a real girl is sitting on a branch!"Golden hands": Finnish artist knits people and even whole rooms

Agree that Liisa has a talent.

"Golden hands": Finnish artist knits people and even whole rooms

Therefore, such fakes as knitted food are a common trifle for her.

"Golden hands": Finnish artist knits people and even whole rooms

And what do you think about these works?

Keywords: Grandmother | Knitting | Crochet | Yarn | Needlework | Finland | Artist

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