Giant cave in China, in which he placed the whole village of 100 people

Giant cave in China, in which he placed the whole village of 100 people

Categories: Asia | Design and Architecture

Village Jandun in the mountainous Chinese province of Guijo is considered to be the country's only permanent settlement in the natural cave. To get to this settlement, located at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level, only on foot. The ascent takes an hour, and due to the inaccessibility of the locals have a hard time.

Giant cave in China, in which he placed the whole village of 100 people

Giant cave in China, in which he placed the whole village of 100 people

Giant cave in China, in which he placed the whole village of 100 people

The cave is located high in the mountains, and it can only be reached on foot.

Giant cave in China, in which he placed the whole village of 100 people

With a population of about 100 people.

Giant cave in China, in which he placed the whole village of 100 people

Residents raise cattle, since the nearest market is a half hour walk in the mountains.

Giant cave in China, in which he placed the whole village of 100 people

Worse still, the government stated that "China is not cave people" and closed the village school in early 2011. Now the children have to go to a two-hour walk every morning to another school.

Giant cave in China, in which he placed the whole village of 100 people

To improve living conditions in the village, the elders tried to persuade the local Board to build a road to connect the village with existing infrastructure. Although the village Junjun have a TV and a sometimes newspaper, in General, it is cut off from the rest of the world.

Giant cave in China, in which he placed the whole village of 100 people

The village even has its own basketball court.

Keywords: China | Asia | Basketball | School | Design and architecture | Caves

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