"From princes in the mud": the ex-wife of a Hollywood star, a beautiful model became a homeless woman

"From princes in the mud": the ex-wife of a Hollywood star, a beautiful model became a homeless woman

Categories: Celebrities

Model Loni Willison is seen picking up trash on the streets of Los Angeles. The journalists barely managed to recognize the woman. She used to buy clothes, cars and jewelry for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and now she has to collect scraps. All her possessions fit in a supermarket cart. The former model looks dirty and worn.

A few years ago, her life was completely different. Being married to the star of "Rescuers of Malibu" Jeremy Jackson, she was a regular at social events and cocktail parties. Read in our article how the beauty in "Gucci" came to the life of a homeless man.

"From princes in the mud": the ex-wife of a Hollywood star, a beautiful model became a homeless woman Source: Daily Mail

Pay attention to this photo. In the picture, the photographer managed to capture a number of scenes from the life of former fitness model Loni Willison. Below will be a few photos before her "transformation".

"From princes in the mud": the ex-wife of a Hollywood star, a beautiful model became a homeless woman

She is very dirty, dressed in an untidy mess of rags, an old cap. You can still recognize her as a fan of a healthy lifestyle, but even the ideal figure gradually disappears in conditions of lack of food, water and vitamins.

"From princes in the mud": the ex-wife of a Hollywood star, a beautiful model became a homeless woman

Homeless Loni Willison now (left) and a few years ago when she was a fitness model (right). 

She's only 35, although you can't tell by looking at the pictures. She shone at social events, presenting jewelry and clothing of the most famous brands, now her simple wealth will go crazy in one cart from the supermarket.

So what happened to her?

"From princes in the mud": the ex-wife of a Hollywood star, a beautiful model became a homeless woman

She married a guy who simply "starred". Jeremy Jackson and Loni Willison dated for several years, and then got married in 2012. The actor was the star of "Rescuers of Malibu", a series with a huge audience around the world.


Jeremy played the role of a Hobby, an extravagant young man with an easy and perky character. Unfortunately, Jackson wasn't like that in real life. He started drinking and beating his wife.

"From princes in the mud": the ex-wife of a Hollywood star, a beautiful model became a homeless woman

In 2014, they broke up as a result of an extremely unpleasant incident. Drunk to unconsciousness, Jackson tried to strangle his wife in bed. In 2015, the actor was arrested after he attacked a passerby with a knife, claiming that it was self-defense. The police managed to prove the opposite.

"From princes in the mud": the ex-wife of a Hollywood star, a beautiful model became a homeless woman

In this photo, Loni and Jeremy on vacation in 2013.

In 2017, Jackson was put behind bars for his past crimes, the judge appointed a term of 270 days in prison and 5 years of probation under supervision. Quite mildly, as the prosecutor stated. Jackson continues to play sports, communicates on social networks, but practically does not appear in public. Now the former actor works as a private trainer.

The fate of Loni Willison after the breakup of the relationship remained unknown for a long time. Apparently, the girl did not manage to adapt.

"From princes in the mud": the ex-wife of a Hollywood star, a beautiful model became a homeless woman

The correspondent especially remembered the moment when the former model rushed to the trash can in order to get a yellow necklace. She wrapped it around her neck, obviously proud of her find.

Well, as you can see, Hollywood is absolutely ruthless to those whose star has already set over the horizon. Could a successful model imagine that she would ever dig through the garbage?

Keywords: Bum | Hollywood | Star | Model | Malibu lifeguards

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