From Batman to Princess: Russian doctors removed a huge birthmark from the face of a 2-year-old American woman

From Batman to Princess: Russian doctors removed a huge birthmark from the face of a 2-year-old American woman

Categories: Children | Health and Medicine | North America | World

We have already written about a two-year-old girl from the USA who lived in Krasnodar. Fortunately, everything ended well and the baby finally got rid of the birthmark that looked like a Batman mask.

Luna Tavares-Fenner had a large mole covering almost the entire face. In the USA, the baby could not get the necessary treatment, so the parents turned to doctors from Russia. After several operations, the little American woman found a new face. Now the girl calls herself a princess and enjoys life.

From Batman to Princess: Russian doctors removed a huge birthmark from the face of a 2-year-old American woman

Russian doctors removed a large birthmark from the face of a little American woman using advanced technology. Two-year-old Luna was born with a black mark in the shape of a Batman mask. A little resident of Florida regularly flew with her mother to Russia for two years to receive the necessary treatment, which is not available in the United States.

From Batman to Princess: Russian doctors removed a huge birthmark from the face of a 2-year-old American woman

After the New Year, Luna will come to Russia again to complete the last stage of cosmetic procedures.

From Batman to Princess: Russian doctors removed a huge birthmark from the face of a 2-year-old American woman

Operations to remove the birthmark were carried out in Krasnodar. The 37-year-old girl's mother, Carol Fenner, is happy that the treatment was successful. Doctors say that, in addition to a cosmetic defect, they prevented the risk of skin cancer.

From Batman to Princess: Russian doctors removed a huge birthmark from the face of a 2-year-old American woman

Dr. Pavel Popov is one of the surgeons who operated on the baby. In total, six operations were performed, during which the mole was gradually removed. At this stage, the treatment process has not yet been completed – the girl will have a number of aesthetic operations.

From Batman to Princess: Russian doctors removed a huge birthmark from the face of a 2-year-old American woman

Doctors are pleased with such a successful result. They say that the Moon is not afraid of them at all and brings her dolls to the reception so that the doctors will treat them too. It is not yet known how long it will take for cosmetic facial reconstruction, but surgeons are sure that everything will go fine, and the girl will not have complexes about her appearance in the future.

From Batman to Princess: Russian doctors removed a huge birthmark from the face of a 2-year-old American woman

Luna's bandages have already been removed. He and his mother will return home for Christmas, and will return to Russia after the New Year to continue treatment. Parents do not regret spending so much time and effort on procedures. Carol says that in the US, such operations are often accompanied by complications. In addition, in America, they are performed under general anesthesia, which negatively affects health with frequent repetition. In Russia, surgeons managed to do only local anesthesia.

From Batman to Princess: Russian doctors removed a huge birthmark from the face of a 2-year-old American woman

The father and mother of the baby raised money for treatment in Russia with the help of charitable organizations. In addition, they were greatly supported by a Russian sponsor who wished to remain anonymous. Parents are happy that they were able to overcome all difficulties and give their daughter a bright and beautiful future.

Meanwhile, a young British woman who was born with a spot on her nose helps people with flaws in appearance. She constantly suffered from ridicule, but was able to gather her strength and become above the abusers.

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