Forge of future champions: esports clubs will be opened in Russian schools

Forge of future champions: esports clubs will be opened in Russian schools

Categories: Culture | News | Society

Perhaps soon in Russian schools there will be special classrooms for "Esports sciences", from where from time to time it will be heard: "Therorist vin!"… And all because domestic schools are planning to introduce computer games clubs. And if such classes are held instead of Orthodoxy lessons, many will be only too happy.

Forge of future champions: esports clubs will be opened in Russian schools

The experiment is planned to be carried out within the framework of the projects "Modern School" and "Digital Educational Environment" in 2020. Until 2025, the initiators plan to limit the experiment to only a few schools in each region of the country, and after that make a decision on the large-scale implementation of such a practice.

Forge of future champions: esports clubs will be opened in Russian schools

But, so that fans of computer toys do not rejoice in advance, it is worth mentioning that games for elective classes will not be selected from world rankings, but in accordance with the decision of teachers, psychologists and parents. The psycho-emotional state of children and their age will be taken into account.

Forge of future champions: esports clubs will be opened in Russian schools

The main idea of the appeal to the Minister of Education at the Institute for the Development of the Internet was formulated in simple, intelligible language. Without going into complicated collisions, we offer an excerpt that contains the message of the entire letter:

It's hard to disagree with this argument, isn't it? The initiators of the project plan to involve members of the Russian Esports Federation in the work of clubs, as well as to organize the participation of the best gamers in All-Russian and international championships.

Forge of future champions: esports clubs will be opened in Russian schools

Boris Chernyshov

The State Duma Committee on Education and the National Parent Committee (NPC) consider the introduction of such a practice promising. State Duma deputy, deputy head of the Committee on Education and Science Boris Chernyshov noted that despite the opinion that computer games "destroy the Russian national identity," it will not be possible to isolate yourself from them, so it is better to strive to take a leading position in the world in this dynamically developing area.

The fact that the direction is promising, the official noticed for sure. One guy in the USA earns more with a joystick per day than Chernyshov with his bills in a year.

Keywords: Esports | Computer games | Ministry | Education | Writing

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