Famous films in which the actors really make love

Famous films in which the actors really make love

Categories: Celebrities | Cinema | People | Relationship | World

Frank and sensual scenes are not easy. The directors have an important goal to stage the scene so that the viewer believes in it. Most often, understudies are invited to the set, but there are times when the actors decide to play the scene on their own. We will talk about such films today.


Famous films in which the actors really make love

1. Dreamers (2003)
Genre: drama, melodrama

An incredibly atmospheric film that opened the world to Eva Green. The story tells about three young people who discover a sea of joys never seen before. And while the whole world is engulfed in turmoil and revolutionary ideas, the heroes in a modest apartment make love and embody all the frankest desires. All sex scenes were filmed in real-time without any doubles.

Famous films in which the actors really make love

2. Nymphomaniac (2013)
Genre: drama

"Nymphomaniac" became one of the most sensational films not only in 2013 but in general in the history of cinema. The story is about a woman who recognizes her psychological and physical addiction. There are a lot of explicit scenes that were filmed for real and in many cases without the help of understudies.

Famous films in which the actors really make love

3. Life of Adele (2013)

Genre: drama, melodrama

The screen version of the graphic novel "Blue is the warmest color" is about the same-sex love of two heroines. In the production of Abdellatif Keshish, there are two extremely frank and long love scenes between Adele Exarchopoulos and Lea Seydoux, after the filming of which the second admitted that they were given to her with difficulty.

Famous films in which the actors really make love

4. Fang (2009)
Genre: thriller, drama

The art-house movie by Yorgos Lanthimos tells about parents who raise their adult children in social isolation, lie to them about the world around them, call zombies a flower, and a cat a fierce predator, and force their eldest son to make love to a colleague of the father of the family. The whole lengthy scene with explicit details is authentic and without deceptive editing.

Famous films in which the actors really make love

5. Brown Rabbit (2003)
Genre: drama

Vincent Gallo's painting became one of the brightest foreign scandalous films of the beginning of the century. In the center of the story is motorcycle racer Bud Clay, who meets various women along the way. In this tape, Chloe Sevigny really made love to Vincent Gallo right on the set. But it all ended with the director having to apologize for his project at the Cannes Film Festival.

Famous films in which the actors really make love

6. Idiots (1998)
Genre: drama

One of the main provocateurs of our time, Lars von Trier, during the filming process of the film “Idiots”, exposed the characters and set them the task to feel free in the frame, not to see the cameras and participate in sensual rapprochements. About how the movie was shot, there is a separate documentary, which is freely available.

Keywords: Famous films | Films | Cinema | Love | Sex | Sex scenes | Actors | Sensual scenes | Intimate movies

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