Fallen angels and sexy demons A. J Hamilton

Fallen angels and sexy demons A. J Hamilton

Categories: Culture

The work of photographer working under the pseudonym A. J Hamilton, well known in the world of high fashion. More than 10 years of master works in the fashion industry, taking photographs for leading fashion magazines in Europe, America and Asia. But the talent of this photographer is multifaceted and not limited to photo shoots for fashion gloss. His portfolio includes an impressive number of serious and very interesting works, the characters are almost always women. (Caution! Nude).

Fallen angels and sexy demons A. J Hamilton

To remove A. J Hamilton was still in school, and for the first time declared himself as a professional immediately after graduation. The debut of a young photographer became a series of works made in Northern Uganda. Hero pictures is the representative of the Acholi people, who for many years was the center of a bloody civil war. These pictures brought the author a prize AOP (The Association of Photographers) in the nomination "photographer of the year" and immediately made known.

Fallen angels and sexy demons A. J Hamilton

A photographer loves to work with women and his favorite images angels and demons. His winged entities can be clean, sinful, and sometimes downright shameless, but always beautiful. A. J Hamilton tends to models with standard body 90-60-90 and it further makes his fine art photographs to paintings by Italian and Dutch Renaissance masters.

Fallen angels and sexy demons A. J HamiltonFallen angels and sexy demons A. J Hamilton

Fallen angels and sexy demons A. J Hamilton

Fallen angels and sexy demons A. J Hamilton

Fallen angels and sexy demons A. J HamiltonFallen angels and sexy demons A. J Hamilton

Fallen angels and sexy demons A. J Hamilton

Fallen angels and sexy demons A. J Hamilton

Fallen angels and sexy demons A. J Hamilton

Fallen angels and sexy demons A. J Hamilton

Keywords: 18+ | Angel | Revival | Master of photography | Renaissance | Uganda | Model | Photographer | Fashion photos

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