Evil eye and corruption: how in Russia they struggled with energy negativity

Evil eye and corruption: how in Russia they struggled with energy negativity

Categories: History

Such phenomena as the evil eye and corruption have been known in Russia since time immemorial. Fears that someone negatively affects the energy sector, causing illness or a series of failures, began to haunt a person long before the advent of Christianity. Today, the belief in corruption continues to live among our fellow citizens and perfectly gets along with innovative technologies and successes in medicine.

Evil eye and corruption: how in Russia they struggled with energy negativity

For an ignorant person, the evil eye and damage are synonymous. But in fact, these two concepts have long been separated by the method of causing damage to a person. It was possible to jinx without malicious intent, just by praising a person or envying him, and to damage it, you had to try very hard.

Evil eye and corruption: how in Russia they struggled with energy negativity

In Russia, they believed that there were "evil-eyed" people who could cause misfortune with one glance. To be honest, there are also a lot of those who believe in the "evil eye" these days, while among people of different ages and levels of education. You've probably heard that they advise you to stay away from some personalities, and also do not recommend showing them babies, new things and successes in your personal life and career.

Spoilage has a slightly different nature. This is a negative energy effect exerted on the victim intentionally. To cause damage, it is not enough to have an "evil eye" — you need to have secret knowledge and magical objects. Therefore, at all times it was believed that the damage was caused by a sorcerer or a witch.

Evil eye and corruption: how in Russia they struggled with energy negativity

Getting rid of the evil eye and spoilage also has its own nuances. In Russia, they believe that the consequences of the evil eye most often pass by themselves or they can be removed by going to church and performing a simple rite. In spoilage, everything is much more complicated — it does not pass by itself and, often, only worsens over time. The most terrible kind of such an impact on the energy industry is "spoilage to death", the purpose of which is to burn a person out of the light.

Even today, most older people will be happy to tell you how to determine that a person has been jinxed or has been corrupted. The main sign of a negative impact on a person is the deterioration of his health, usually abrupt and causeless.

A sudden cold that struck in the middle of summer, a leg broken out of the blue, unexpected problems with teeth and even weight fluctuations in one direction or another — even today many people can associate these problems with mystical reasons.

Evil eye and corruption: how in Russia they struggled with energy negativity

In addition, in the old days, there were many symptoms that most modern people do not associate with mysticism in any way. Increased fatigue, lack of appetite, problems with skin, nails and hair, the appearance of bruises on the body for no particular reason — all this used to be considered important signs of the "evil eye".

Damage could cause more serious troubles, such as severe infectious diseases, attacks of mental illness, suffocation. The appearance of spots of the correct shape on the body or, even worse, cuts and scratches of unknown origin, were certainly attributed to the actions of a sorcerer or witch. They believed that a man, as a result of the actions of an evil magician, could lose his masculine strength, and a woman become infertile.

Evil eye and corruption: how in Russia they struggled with energy negativity

Separately, it is worth mentioning the impact on the fate of a person. An attacker could bring a "crown of celibacy", deprive of success in trade, quarrel with loved ones and even cause a deterioration in school performance. A person who fell under the influence of spoilage could start abusing alcohol or find himself involved in some unpleasant story.

Evil eye and corruption: how in Russia they struggled with energy negativity

If a person was "made to die", then he usually withdrew into himself, became irritable and absent-minded. "Spoiled" avoided even the closest people and often behaved strangely. It could all end in suicide, an accident or sudden death, sometimes during sleep.

In the old days, it was believed that the one who was "spoiled" began to be afraid of crosses, icons and sacred books. Also, the victim of the dark forces avoided temples or, if he could be brought there, felt bad in them. It was even easier to determine the damage inflicted on a child, especially in infancy. The obvious signs of witchcraft included constant crying, weight loss, fever caused by unknown causes or anxiety attacks.

Evil eye and corruption: how in Russia they struggled with energy negativity

If there were ways of causing damage to a person, then, of course, there were special methods of removing it. At all times, conducting rituals to get rid of mental problems has been a profitable business and nothing has changed much in the age of computers and flights to Mars.

To deal with the problem, it is necessary, first of all, to correctly identify its causes. To do this, they took beeswax and a vessel filled with cold water. The wax was melted in a small bowl over a candle, and then for a while it was driven over a person's head.

Evil eye and corruption: how in Russia they struggled with energy negativity

After that, the still completely uncured substance was poured into a container with water in a thin trickle and looked at what form the frozen wax would take. If its surface was flat or had small depressions and bulges, then it was believed that everything was in order and magical help was not needed.

But if the substance took an intricate form, then rescue actions had to be started immediately. If a large growth appeared on the wax, it meant the presence of a serious family curse, and uneven, as if bitten edges were a sure sign of damage "to fate".

Evil eye and corruption: how in Russia they struggled with energy negativity

Also, three church candles were used to determine the evil eye or damage. They were placed side by side on a table, in front of a person who was suspected of having problems, and then they read a prayer to the Virgin. If the candle flame did not change during prayer, then this was considered a good sign, but if it began to waver, crackle or smoke, then the signs of witchcraft were obvious.

The simplest way was to use a gold ring. In Russia, he believed that if you swipe a person's cheek, who was jinxed or spoiled, with this decoration, then a dark trace should remain. Of course, for such diagnostics, it was forbidden to use their own rings, which were worn daily.

Evil eye and corruption: how in Russia they struggled with energy negativity

For many centuries, people believed that spoilage could be determined with the help of a chicken egg. To do this, a fresh egg was taken in the left hand, and a knife was taken in the right. The egg was carefully broken over a container of water, and then the dishes were placed on the subject's head. The container should have been in this position for several minutes, and then it was removed and the contents were carefully examined.

If the protein and yolk remained in the form in which they got into the water, then this was considered a good sign. But if the yolk was lying at the bottom, and the protein was pulled to the surface by thin threads, then there was a magical effect on the patient. Bubbling protein was considered the worst sign — it meant spoilage "to death".

Evil eye and corruption: how in Russia they struggled with energy negativity

Black dots, bloody streaks and other inclusions found in the white or yolk were an indication that a very serious witchcraft rite was performed using grave earth and only an experienced magician can help remove the damage.

There were and still are a lot of rituals designed to rid the victim of negativity. Every magician and psychic at all times had his own exclusive arsenal of means to combat curses, as well as a special magical inventory. Of course, the service of getting rid of magical influences has never been free, which to this day is the cause of constant abuse and cases of fraud.

Have you ever encountered damage or the evil eye and do you believe that a person can be harmed using magic?

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