Due to a rare disease, the girl stopped hearing men, but at the same time she hears women perfectly

Due to a rare disease, the girl stopped hearing men, but at the same time she hears women perfectly

Categories: Asia | Health and Medicine

A Chinese woman named Chen from Xiamen City, Fujian Province, went to the hospital complaining of hearing loss. There was no limit to the doctors' surprise when it turned out that the patient stopped hearing only men, but at the same time continued to hear the voices of women perfectly.

What kind of rare disease has overtaken a Chinese woman and what consequences await her, read in our material.

Due to a rare disease, the girl stopped hearing men, but at the same time she hears women perfectly

Due to a rare disease, the girl stopped hearing men, but at the same time she hears women perfectly

One morning, a Chinese woman named Chen discovered that she couldn't hear her boyfriend, and immediately went to the hospital. Doctors examined the girl and found out that she had "low-frequency hearing loss." In other words, the patient perfectly heard what the female doctors were saying to her, but as soon as a male doctor entered the ward and started talking to her, Chen's hearing seemed to disappear.

Due to a rare disease, the girl stopped hearing men, but at the same time she hears women perfectly

Low—frequency hearing loss is a fairly rare disease that occurs in one out of 13 thousand patients with various kinds of hearing problems. The reason for the development of an abnormal disorder in the girl, according to the doctor's assumptions, was the stress she experienced.

Due to a rare disease, the girl stopped hearing men, but at the same time she hears women perfectly

Chen said that shortly before the incident, she worked late and could not get enough sleep. According to the doctor, this is enough for the body to suffer severe stress, which, apparently, led to the problem.

According to the Chinese woman, that evening she felt nausea and a strong ringing in her ears, but did not take these symptoms seriously and decided that she just needed a good night's sleep. We already know what happened in the morning…

Due to the fact that Chen immediately went to the hospital, her chances of recovery greatly increased. Now the girl is undergoing treatment and hopes to finally hear her boyfriend's voice in the near future.

Keywords: Disease | Deafness | Girl | China | Hearing | Ears

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