Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day

Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day

Categories: World

Almost immediately after the opening of the border between East and West Berlin on November 9, 1989, artists began painting a section of the wall along the Spree on Muhlenstrasse.

Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day

Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day

1. During January —November 1990, all border structures were demolished. Only a small 1.3 km long section, now known as the East Side Gallery, has been preserved. East Side Gallery is considered the world's largest open-air art gallery.

Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day

2. Today there are 106 paintings painted on the east side of the Berlin Wall by 118 artists from 21 countries.

Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day

3. Perhaps the most famous painting was painted by Dmitry Vrubel. It is called in different ways: "Brotherly kiss" or "Lord, help me to survive among this mortal love."

Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day

4. No less famous is the painting Test the Best by artist Brigit Kinder, where the symbol of the GDR "Trabant" breaks through the Berlin Wall.

Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day

5. The authors of most of the paintings remained unknown. However, their if not artistic, then at least historical value is not in doubt.

Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day

6. Unfortunately, most of the drawings were quickly covered with graffiti. For the 20th anniversary of the fall of the wall, the Berlin authorities invited the same artists who recreated their paintings. Thus, today we see not originals, but self-copies.

Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day

7. According to some estimates, 645 East Germans died trying to cross the Berlin Wall from August 13, 1961 to November 6, 1989. It was possible to document the death of 125 people. The last victim was Chris Geffroy, who was killed on February 6, 1989.

Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Drawings preserved on the Berlin Wall to this day


Keywords: Berlin | Border | Drawing | Wall

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