Dolphin skin: a new beauty trend from celebrities

Dolphin skin: a new beauty trend from celebrities

Categories: Beauty | Celebrities | Life hacks | People | Society | World

Skin like a dolphin: 
The wave of the fashion trend "dolphin skin" has finally come from the hills of Hollywood to us. How to create the effect of shiny, hydrated, and sparkling skin?

"Dolphin skin" is a new trend that has replaced the wax "glass" skin, like in oriental beauties. It looks like we just got out of the pool: the skin is filled to the brim with moisture, bursts with beauty, it is shiny, radiant, and smooth. There are two ways to achieve this effect: with the help of decorative cosmetics or care procedures.


Dolphin skin: a new beauty trend from celebrities

1. Decorative cosmetics

With the help of decorative cosmetics, it is not difficult to make make-up in the spirit of "Dolphin skin". To do this, you need a highlighter - dry or liquid, which contains little glitter. It should create the effect of a natural “wet” shine and not the shine of disco balls. Apply the product on the cheekbones, chin, bridge of the nose, and tip of the nose, and matte the forehead and areas around the nose. Ready!

Dolphin skin: a new beauty trend from celebrities

2. Care procedures. Cleansing

It turns out that dolphins clean their skin every two hours - so they prevent the development of bacteria that their immune system does not cope well with. That's the secret to glowing skin - cleansing! If you have normal, dry skin - use cleansing mousses, oily, or combination - get a water-based cleanser. It will help remove excess oil from the skin and adjust the natural shine. The main thing is to choose products that contain collagen and aloe.

Dolphin skin: a new beauty trend from celebrities

3. Scrubbing

Peelings, scrubs, and rolls are a good help for shiny skin. Soft particles cleanse the upper layer of the epidermis, and the active components of the product penetrate into the deep skin balls. However, do not be zealous with such procedures. Once a week is enough.

Dolphin skin: a new beauty trend from celebrities

4. Soothing

The unique composition of rose petal oil is a great way to moisturize the skin. It contains important vitamins of groups B, and K, and acids that make the epidermis elastic. Give preference to products containing extracts of this flower. Pure oil can cause burns on the skin.

Dolphin skin: a new beauty trend from celebrities

5. Soaking

Hyaluronic acid is the main assistant in the fight for the beauty of the skin. Up to 25 years, its content in the skin is about 50%, but over the years, the amount decreases to 25%. To replenish the reserves of this important component, try to use serums with hyaluronic acid.

Keywords: Skin | Beauty tricks | Fashion trends | Makeup tricks | Dolphin skin | Hollywood | Shiny skin | Makeup

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