Dirty Love: Hyperrealist artist explores intimate relationships at home
Categories: Culture
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/dirty-love-hyperrealist-artist-explores-intimate-relationships-at-home1.htmlReuben Negron is an artist who now lives in Asheville, North Carolina. He created a series of paintings called Dirty Dirty Love and explains his idea as follows: "Dirty Dirty Love is an ongoing series that explores sex, sexuality and identity. She became the fruit of my interaction with individuals and couples in their home and intimate environment."
Source: Cultura Inquieta Each picture reflects real encounters that reveal the delicate naturalness of sex, which is very different from the sensational mood in the display of relationships in most media.
All models are volunteers. Each of them has their own reason for taking part in the project, but they all wanted to share their intimacy with other people.
Work on a painting begins with a one-on-one conversation with a model or models. In the course of communication, the artist studies what makes these people the way they are.
From that moment on, Negron gets used to the role of a documentarian, silently observing the behavior of his characters.
The result is plots that represent a privileged and polished view of how ordinary people live when they think that no one sees them.
Keywords: 18+ | Everyday life | Hyperrealism | Nude | Nudity | Artist | Artists
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