Decent old age: expert advice on how to retire properly

Now you are young and full of energy, but after some 20-30 years you will begin to think "what to live on in old age". After all, often the state pension is not enough to cover daily expenses, pay for housing, pay utilities, buy food and medicines.

Therefore, experts advise to prepare the ground in advance for a comfortable retirement for a well-deserved rest. How to do this, read in our material.

Decent old age: expert advice on how to retire properly

Financial Advisor Natalia Smirnova gave some advice to those people who want to meet and spend their old age with dignity. According to the expert, the most important thing is to prepare for the fact that, most likely, by the time of retirement, health will deteriorate greatly, in this regard, expenses will increase and unforeseen large expenses will appear.

It is also important to take into account the influence of external factors. It is never known for sure whether serious changes will occur in the state that will affect its economy, including the size and rules of pension savings payments. Following from this, about 10 years before going on a well-deserved rest, you need to do the following:

Create a "financial cushion"

Decent old age: expert advice on how to retire properly

It is best that you have such a "pillow" throughout your life, and not just in old age. Its size should be equal to at least six monthly expenses. The expert advises to keep "money for a rainy day" in a deposit or on a bank income card. But keep in mind that the yield on such a card is usually much lower, so it is still better to give preference to a bank deposit with the possibility of replenishment and withdrawal.

It is also important that the amount of savings or deposits in one bank does not exceed 1.4 million rubles. This is the amount of guaranteed compensation to the client, if the bank's license is revoked for some reason.

Pay off all debts

Decent old age: expert advice on how to retire properly

If you have loans, be sure to close them before you retire. And, of course, try to avoid new loans, because you can never be sure that you will be able to service them.

Create passive income

Decent old age: expert advice on how to retire properly

It will be great if, in addition to retirement, you will have additional income that you can spend on your own needs. The expert recommends that you familiarize yourself with all low-risk investment instruments in advance, for example, government bonds.

If you want to earn more income and are not afraid of losing, consider the option of placing high-risk investments, for example, you can invest in shares of large Russian companies.

Of course, in order to secure a passive income, you will need money. Therefore, Natalia Smirnova advises to start saving now. For example, you can open an individual investment account of type A in a brokerage company and transfer free money there with convenient frequency.

Get insurance

Be sure to get yourself a risk insurance in case of dangerous diseases and oncology. Usually, such insurance costs about 300 euros per year, but guarantees coverage of up to 1 million euros.

Decent old age: expert advice on how to retire properly

According to the opinion poll, Russians begin to think about how and what they will live on in old age, only after 30-35 years. At the same time, less than half of them believe that the state pension will be enough to meet all their needs. Only 6% of the country's citizens are absolutely sure that they will be able to provide themselves with a decent old age, many plan to work even after going on a well-deserved rest, but it is unknown how long they will be able to stay in the ranks.

Have you already thought about retirement? Do you think the payments from the state will be enough for a decent life?

Keywords: Budget | Money | Investment | Capital | Pensioners | Pension | Old age

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