To give or not to give: 4 situations in which you can not leave the waiter a tip

To give or not to give: 4 situations in which you can not leave the waiter a tip

Categories: Food and Drinks | Life hacks | Society | World

You came to the cafe, ate delicious, drank a Cup of coffee and ready to leave the institution, but then there comes a "tipping point"... Should I leave the waiter a tip? And if so, how much? And do not show whether this amount is too little?

Do not torment yourself with doubts, just check out our article which describes in detail the situations in which it is necessary to leave "tea", and which — not.

To give or not to give: 4 situations in which you can not leave the waiter a tip

Abroad business tips are much easier. In most countries the money is already included in the bill and, as a rule, are 3-10% of the order value. In the US it is customary to leave a more generous "tea" — 15-25%. And for those who do not, tend to look askance...

In Russia, the visitors leave a tip "at will", but it is usually about 10% of the amount of the check. However, there are situations in which the client does not have to worry about this issue, and following are a few of them.

If you came, made an order, waited over half an hour and already managed to get hungry, any tips to forget. Especially if your waiter had to serve several other tables and happy well-fed guests went home. But if you have everything else brought a cold dish, feel free to ask to replace it with another. You came to enjoy the food!

To give or not to give: 4 situations in which you can not leave the waiter a tip

If you came to the cafe to buy coffee-to-go or pick up pre-ordered and paid for the pizza, tipping is not necessary. But if you decide to stay, to work on a laptop, and it took only a Cup of coffee, please "pay" given to you "a workplace".

To give or not to give: 4 situations in which you can not leave the waiter a tip

If you said to the waiter that you are allergic, and he's warning ignored, about any tips can not be considered. You go to a cafe to eat and rest, and not to obtain a "ticket" to the hospital!

To give or not to give: 4 situations in which you can not leave the waiter a tip

It's should be clear... If the waiter will let you go to your side biting remark, insult you or get nasty, we recommend not only to deprive him of a tip, but to report on the behavior of the employee to the Manager of the institution.

To give or not to give: 4 situations in which you can not leave the waiter a tip

However, you should always remember that waiters are people too, and their job is very stressful. So to be nice and friendly throughout the day they can be very difficult. Be polite, follow the rules of etiquette and treat waiters decently, then you will find the time and brought order and pleasant service!

And in what other cases you're not ready to leave a tip?

Keywords: Money | School | Cafe | Catering | Waiter | Staff | Workers | Restaurant | Service | Staff gratuities | Tea

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