"D'Artagnan must be able to do everything": funny curiosities with Mikhail Boyarsky on the set
Categories: Cinema
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/dartagnan-must-be-able-to-do-everything-funny-curiosities-with-mikhail-boyarsky-on-the-set.htmlBeloved by many, actor Mikhail Boyarsky has always been distinguished not only by his cheerful disposition and desperate, sometimes even reckless behavior, but also by his ability to regularly get into funny situations on the set. Usually this became an occasion for jokes from the entire film crew, but sometimes the actor himself and others were not laughing at all.
On the set of the film "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers", Boyarsky constantly had stories that could not have ended at all cheerfully. Once, when they were filming a battle with swords, the actor was accidentally wounded in the sky. As the X-ray showed, the wound was a centimeter from the brain. Fortunately, there were no serious consequences. And the actor himself with an unhealed sky soon gave a free two-hour concert at the Sailors ' Palace in Odessa, so that the group would be allowed to shoot there.
The film is directed by Georgy Jungvald-Khilkevich
During the filming of "Dogs in the Manger", Mikhail Boyarsky also suffered-however, this time uncritically. Margarita Terekhova in one of the scenes had to slap him in the face. The actress warned her partner that the slaps would be real: she was taught that everything should be true in the frame. Until Terekhova heard "stop", she slapped Boyarsky on the cheeks with such force that his nose bled and tears came out in his eyes. "I felt like a beaten dog," the actor admitted.
All the stunts on the set had to be performed by stuntmen, only those actors who had received special training were allowed to act in dangerous episodes. But Mikhail Boyarsky preferred to perform tricks on his own, because his hero would not hide behind a stuntman. In addition, they paid 50 rubles for each trick. So the actor volunteered to jump from a wooden balustrade at the height of the fifth floor into a haystack.
I'm asking:
- Misha, are you okay? Legs? Hands? Whole ones?
— It's all right. And how much do they pay for a trick?
Everyone has a mountain off their shoulders, they turned away, we are talking. Suddenly I hear behind me: bang-bang! I turn around, and it turns out that Boyarsky jumped a second time. Without cameras, without everything, just like that.
- Misha, what are you doing? Are you crazy?
And he told me:
— The first time I didn't understand anything. I should have felt it.
He said that he wanted to earn money for a restaurant for his friends. But in fact, I tried myself for strength..."
George Jungwald-Khilkevich
And here's how the actor himself remembers the tricks.
According to the plot of the film "Pippi Longstocking", where Boyarsky played the father of the main character, he and Lev Durov had to throw themselves into the sea to save Pippi from death. And the shooting was in late autumn. The preparation for the scene was delayed, the actors were cold, but still jumped into the icy water.
Mikhail Boyarsky
Several times the shooting had to be canceled due to the fact that the actors allowed themselves to drink too much. Recalls the director of stunt scenes Nikolai Vashchilin, who was criminally responsible for the safety of people:
I remember that in the morning we had to shoot the most difficult scene "the ambush of Aramis", we have to ride, and they are all drunk! And I understand that everything can end sadly. And I refused to put my signature in the magazine: I will not take responsibility! The shooting was canceled, Georgy Emilevich let the dogs loose on the artists, he was angry with me. So the "Musketeers" quietly hated me. Although after the completion of the stunt filming in Odessa, we parted well: they said warm words to me, they wrote wishes on the photo, we drank champagne, and I left."
On the set of the film "Prisoner of the Castle of If", the actors also often drank. Mikhail Boyarsky told me:
On the set of the film "The Return of the Musketeers" in Odessa, there was a forty-degree heat, and in their spare moments the actors threw off their jackets and ran to the sea to cool off. At one of these moments, Boyarsky was photographed by paparazzi in shorts and boots. Noticing this, the actor rushed after him with shouts: "Are you a man, after all, or not?"
Keywords: Russian Federation | Actors | Shooting | Cinema | Curiosity | Soviet cinema
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