Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

Categories: Celebrities | Society | World

Show business stars are always surrounded by a crowd of fans. And if some people just want to get an autograph from a celebrity, then others may well make terrible plans to get into the star's house and win her heart.

It is about such strange fans and their equally strange attempts to attract the attention of their idols that we want to tell you. Spoiler: someone even cut off his ear. (Careful! Some photos may seem unpleasant or shocking!)

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

Once in the house of Jennifer Lopez, her crazy fan lived for a whole week, who pretended to be a service staff. He swept the paths and cleaned the territory, and in between took selfies and posted them on social networks with strange captions. When 50-year-old John Dubis was discovered by security guards, the man refused to leave the estate and claimed that he was Lopez's ex-husband, and he was allowed to stay here.

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idolsJohn Dubis spent a whole week living in the house of Jennifer Lopez

As the guards found out, earlier the same man called Lopez's mother and introduced himself to her as her own son. The stalker, who worked as a firefighter in the past, was arrested and sent for a psychiatric examination. Letters to Barack Obama and other celebrities were found in his car during a search.

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

During her long career, the pop diva had to face a lot of inadequate fans, but several of them were remembered by her most of all. In the 90s, when Madona was at the peak of her fame, a man broke into her house and offered to marry him. The only problem was that the groom did not intend to accept the refusal, so he threatened the singer to take her scalp.

Fortunately, Madona's bodyguards were nearby and managed to neutralize the man who had lost his mind. He was arrested and later taken to a hospital for the mentally ill, where he underwent compulsory treatment.

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

And in 2010, another man named Robert Linhart hollowed out love messages with a pickaxe right under the singer's house. By the way, now he continues his "communication" with Madona, but he does it already on his Twitter page. Here are some of Linhart's recordings:

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

Hundreds of people around the world would dream of being like Kim Kardashian, but some are moving from fantasy to action. In order to achieve a resemblance to the star, fans do dozens of plastic surgeries and even change their gender.

Earlier we have already told about a model from Brazil who almost died in an attempt to turn into a star, about a boy from Britain who went on vacation and returned as a girl who looks like Kim Kardashian, and 6 more clones of a socialite, whose pages we found on the vastness of Instagram.

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

In 2013, Jared Leto received a shocking message from a fan in the mail. The usual envelope contained a severed human ear and a note with the words "Are you listening?". There were no other signatures or instructions in the letter.

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

The actor decided to remain unperturbed: he hung his ear on a string and appeared at a social reception. At the same time, the singer assured that the ear was real, not a dummy. It was not possible to find its former owner.

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

After the release of the first Harry Potter film, its main character, actress Emma Watson, faced a wave of criticism from religious fanatics. The activists claimed that there was no magic, and persuaded the girl to read the Holy Scripture.

Watson began to receive Bibles by mail one by one, which is why in a short time the celebrity managed to collect a collection of more than 20 different books.

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

According to the comics, the Red Skull is the sworn enemy of Captain America and, in general, the character, to put it mildly, is not the most respectable. However, he also has his own fans. A certain Henry Damon decided to become like a comic book hero and made a radical transformation of his appearance.

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

The man implanted several implants under his skin, removed his nose and tattooed his face. A surgeon with an incomplete medical education helped the Red Skull fan to carry out the reincarnation Emilio Gonzales.

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

According to Gonzalez, before the operation, the man passed a number of psychological tests that confirmed his adequacy. You may think that Henry looks terrible, but he is very happy with his new appearance and does not plan to stop there.

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

One day, the fast food chain McDonald's released a limited-edition Sichuan sauce, which is adored by one of the characters in "Rick and Morty", a mad scientist named Rick Sanchez. A certain Rachel Mary, who bought a bag of this sauce, decided to put it up in the community Pin Nation, where the sale and exchange of various things is carried out.

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

Soon the girl was bombarded with messages asking her to sell the bag or exchange it for souvenir badges. Rachel had already started to choose a badge, when suddenly a guy wrote to her and offered her a Volkswagen Golf GTI of 2004 for the sauce. Naturally, the girl immediately agreed.

Crazy things that fans do for the sake of their idols

Later, Sichuan sauce began to be sold on other sites, including on eBay. For a small bag of this delicacy, the owners ask from 50 to 1000 dollars, but the most amazing thing is that they find their customers!

Keywords: Actors | Stars | Idol | Singers | Popularity | Crazy | Fanaticism | Fans | Show business

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