Coronavirus made it to Antarctica — and now the pandemic spread to all continents

Coronavirus made it to Antarctica — and now the pandemic spread to all continents

Categories: Health and Medicine | World

Antarctica has ceased to be the only continent of the planet, the territory of which was not discovered coronavirus. The Chilean station General Bernardo O'higgins (base General Bernardo O'higgins) results of analyses of 36 people was positive.

Coronavirus made it to Antarctica — and now the pandemic spread to all continents

Some infected symptoms of coronavirus appeared before the PCR test, but they are all in stable condition. All 36 people were immediately evacuated to the city of Punta arenas, where isolated and treated. Their spot on the base took on new staff who previously survived quarantine and showed a negative test result for Covid-19.

Coronavirus made it to Antarctica — and now the pandemic spread to all continents

Penguins near the Chilean research station in Antarctica

Coronavirus made it to Antarctica — and now the pandemic spread to all continents

In the Antarctic summer now

Keywords: Antarctica | Coronavirus | Pandemic | Arctic circle

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