Consolation at the bottom of the glass: how much alcohol can be consumed without harm to health

Consolation at the bottom of the glass: how much alcohol can be consumed without harm to health

Categories: Food and Drinks | Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle

Many of us are used to dispel melancholy with a glass or two. People drink alcohol trying to cope with anxiety and uncertainty about the future. Unfortunately, not everyone has a sense of proportion. Experts warn that a passion for alcoholic beverages can lead to addiction. Doctors warn that you should not abuse alcohol, so as not to harm your health. Find out how much alcohol you can drink weekly without compromising your health.

Consolation at the bottom of the glass: how much alcohol can be consumed without harm to health

Excessive alcohol consumption is dangerous for various reasons. Unfortunately, if addiction develops, it is very difficult to restore the body. Alcohol affects not only the liver, but also other organs. In addition, alcoholism destroys mental health, relationships, career, social life and financial stability.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the amount of alcohol consumed has increased significantly, and this worries experts. Experts warn that it is necessary to strictly control the dose of alcohol. To do this, they even created a special measure - a portion of alcohol.

Consolation at the bottom of the glass: how much alcohol can be consumed without harm to health

One serving is equal to 10 ml or 8 g of pure alcohol – the amount that an average adult can digest in an hour. This is about 250 ml of beer with an alcohol content of 4% or 25 ml of a strong alcoholic beverage - rum or vodka. One small glass of wine (125 ml) is already one and a half servings.

A glass of vodka (25 ml, 40%) – 1 serving. A small glass of wine (125 ml, 12%) – 1.5 servings. A bottle of beer (330 ml, 5%) – 1.7 servings. Tin can of beer (440 ml, 5.5%) - 2.4 servings. A standard glass of wine (175 ml, 12%) – 2.1 servings. A large glass of wine (250 ml, 12%) – 3 servings. A bottle of wine (medium strength) – 9 servings.

Consolation at the bottom of the glass: how much alcohol can be consumed without harm to health

Doctors advise to consume no more than 14 servings of alcohol per week. Many people think that getting drunk once a week is better than drinking a little bit every day. However, studies show that those who drink daily, as a rule, do not exceed the established weekly norm.

Consolation at the bottom of the glass: how much alcohol can be consumed without harm to health

People who exceed the weekly limit overnight are 4.5% more at risk of dying from alcohol-related diseases. So a well-known principle works here: little is better, but often.

Giving up alcohol can change your appearance. A resident of London decided to conduct an experiment and did not drink alcohol for a month. The results amazed her.

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