Children's questions that adults do not have answers

Children's questions that adults do not have answers

Categories: Children | Lifestyle | People | Society | World

If you have children, then at least once in your life you probably received questions from them that you did not have an answer to. For example, have you ever wondered why passports only have certain colors or why people can't smile in their ID photos? There are many things that have certain characteristics, but sometimes we don't even ask ourselves why.

We really wanted to find interesting questions that our children can ask us. Therefore, after reading our article, we are sure that you will be able to answer them all.


Children's questions that adults do not have answers

1. Why can't you smile in ID photos? Every time we take passport, visa, or ID photos, the requirements say that a neutral facial expression and a closed mouth are “mandatory”. The reason is biometric scanners were released in 2005. Scanners can only recognize a person's face if it remains neutral, thus preventing fraudulent use.

Children's questions that adults do not have answers

2. Why are passports never orange or purple? What color is your passport? We bet it's red, green, grey, blue or black. While there are some color variations that are only used in certain countries, you will never see light green, orange, or purple passports. Why? In fact, there are no special requirements, countries simply do not use bright colors, because they do not look formal and serious.

Children's questions that adults do not have answers

3. Why do most people hate the sound of their own voice? You probably heard your recorded voice and didn't like it, and you're not the only one here - there's even a special term for disliking your voice - "vocal confrontation". The thing is that the conductivity of air and body tissues is different, and the vibrations inside the body make us think that our voice is actually lower. But if we hear our voice in a recording, then the brain receives information about sounds only through the auditory nerve - this is how this dissonance appears. Our recorded voice does not live up to our expectations, and this is where the disconnect occurs.

Children's questions that adults do not have answers

4. Why are tennis balls yellow? The tennis ball has undergone an evolution of colors. Before they were neon yellow, balloons were either white or black. But the problem was that it was difficult to see the ball on the TV screen. As a result, the sports community decided to make all the balls yellow so that they could be seen by the audience.

Children's questions that adults do not have answers

5. Why are school buses and taxis yellow too? Taxis and school buses have something in common - their yellow color. The reason for this is quite simple - yellow attracts attention faster than any other color. Among other objects, you are the first to notice yellow objects, even in the dark. Therefore, this color was chosen for school buses and taxis so that children and adults can easily spot it.

Children's questions that adults do not have answers

6. Why does aluminum foil have a shiny and dull side? If you've ever used aluminum foil, you've probably noticed that it has two sides - matte and shiny. You may have thought that there is a "right part" to cover the food, but the reason is the manufacturing process. During "milling", where heat and stress are applied to stretch and shape the foil, the two sides are pressed against each other and milled at the same time. This will help prevent tearing the foil.

Children's questions that adults do not have answers

7. Why do soda in cans and plastic bottles taste different? If you're a soft drink lover, you've probably noticed that canned soda tastes different from bottled soda. Even though manufacturers use the same formula for different packages, many people find that canned soda tastes a bit milder. A possible explanation is that the aluminum in the cans has a polymer coating that can absorb some of the odor. And in the case of the bottled form, the taste differs due to the plastic chemical acetaldehyde, which also alters the taste.

Children's questions that adults do not have answers

8. Why do sunset and sunrise look different? Can you tell the difference between sunset and sunrise, apart from the rising and falling trend of the sun? You probably noticed that they have different colors. This is explained by the fact that the path of the rays at dusk and at dawn is much longer than during the day. Before sunlight reaches our eyes, the shorter wavelengths scatter and we see colors such as yellow, orange, red during sunset. However, at sunrise, the darkness of the night left us with very sharp night vision, and every slight, slight change in the color of the sky was evident. Thus, we perceive more colors at dawn than at dusk.

Children's questions that adults do not have answers

9. Why do we get dark circles under our eyes when we are tired? After sleepless nights and hard work, we may notice dark circles under the eyes, which women usually try to hide with cosmetics. According to doctors, circles appear due to fatigue and lack of sleep, which can slow down blood circulation around the eyes. And because of this, the capillaries (blood vessels) located in this area swell with blood and expand, making the skin under the eyes darker.

Children's questions that adults do not have answers

10. Why do we sometimes not remember our dreams? Sometimes, after a night of sweet, sweet sleep, we can remember our dreams, and sometimes we can't. The reason lies in the biology of our sleeping body and subconscious. The dreams we remember most often occur during certain periods of our sleep cycle. But if we wake up with an alarm, norepinephrine levels spike, making it harder for us to remember dreams.

Keywords: Children | Childish questions | Adults | Family | Characteristics | People | Life

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