Children from a rich family in France found quarantined the gold bars in grandma's closet

Children from a rich family in France found quarantined the gold bars in grandma's closet

Categories: Children | News | World

Grandmother, who died many years ago, even after death was able to surprise their loved ones. As soon as France imposed quarantine measures, the family of one solid leader left Paris to the province and settled in the old family home in the town of Vendome, near the banks of the Loire, southwest of Paris.

Children from a rich family in France found quarantined the gold bars in grandma's closet

Children from a rich family in France found quarantined the gold bars in grandma's closet

A few days after their arrival, the children decided to build a house with sheets for games. And the father advised them to look for "materials" in my grandmother's dresser in the far, a long uninhabited room.

Children from a rich family in France found quarantined the gold bars in grandma's closet

The children began to sort the stack of sheets, which in that area usually put sprigs of lavender. And fall out two fairly heavy object rectangular shape. Well, simply put it back and continued the game...

To him after a brief hesitation asked the man, puzzled by the sudden discovery. "Bricks" was pretty heavy, but still prints c... expert opinion: two massive gold bars kilogram each. Upon hearing the news, the kids immediately screamed:

Children from a rich family in France found quarantined the gold bars in grandma's closet

It turned out that my grandmother bought gold in 1967, and all these years it has lain quietly somewhere in the depths of her closets.

On June 16, assigned to the auction, both vintage ingot for sale. Gold prices today vary. In the beginning of the year pound ingot was worth about 43 000 Euro, and today the 52 000. Perhaps by mid-June will increase up to 54 000 euros, involves a representative of the auction house.

Keywords: Gold | Quarantine | Finding | France

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