Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Categories: Animals | Positive | World

If you love charming, but steep felines, visit this post here for photographers posing "VIP-cat" surrounded by cash, guns and mind-boggling luxury.

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagramCreated by will Swigart instagram account was conceived as a "VIP room" for "pedigree of the rich Kote", but quickly became a Playground for those of wealth and power — cats began to appear on the background of alcohol, firearms and all types of world currency.

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Swigart declares that nothing like this was planned — people do paint this way rich cats, which is how people imagine the wealth, power, and belonging to a high social class.

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagramCards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagramCards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Cards, money, two barrel: 20 gangsteritto photos from instagram

Keywords: Cats | Funny | Photo

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