8 sad photos: how to actually live disney Princess in marriage

We all know it's a cliche: the Princess finds true love in a handsome Prince, marry him and of course lives happily ever after. But then what?

8 sad photos: how to actually live disney Princess in marriageWhat happens after they ride off into the sunset? One of them with a dog? And who have fathered children? Who is now engaged in the business of other couples? And please, someone, tell me who in the end takes out the garbage?

Disney left us with many questions unanswered. Came to the aid of cosplayers @moderndaywonderland and clarified the situation. She showed and explained what lies behind this "happily ever after".

8 sad photos: how to actually live disney Princess in marriage

"Snow white still washes the floors when the children go to school, but now it can no longer be assisted by their adorable forest animals that they washed the dishes for her.

At least she doesn't have to worry about poisoned apples. Every Thursday in the afternoon she heads to his local grocer and ensures that her basket was filled with only organic products...".

8 sad photos: how to actually live disney Princess in marriage

"Elsa's not yet a mom, but her pregnancy is out of control. Of course, her favorite would be large portions of ice cream, which she'd mixed with pickles".

8 sad photos: how to actually live disney Princess in marriage

"Pans! Who would have thought? Now Rapunzel spends her Sunday morning, trying out new recipes for pancakes and playing Sudoku."

8 sad photos: how to actually live disney Princess in marriage

"We all thought that the Princess will spend the remaining days in fashionable dresses and designer shoes. It turns out that more shoes — it's just more of lost shoes."

8 sad photos: how to actually live disney Princess in marriage

"Even Sleeping beauty can't sleep these days. From midnight feedings with a newborn to nightmares and night adventures with her kids. All he wants this Princess is past continuous dream."

8 sad photos: how to actually live disney Princess in marriage

8 sad photos: how to actually live disney Princess in marriage

"Girl meets beast, girl and beast fall in love, the monster turns into a boy then a girl and a boy grow up, and they have three children, four dogs and one evil cat, who never allows himself to be pet.

In connection with the desire to raise a family and deal with a castle full of magical furniture that requires reward for good work, Mama Belle can be hard to find time for yourself."

8 sad photos: how to actually live disney Princess in marriage

"Ariel realized that she didn't need to change yourself to someone loved her, but she also realized that she likes drying and trendy pedicures, so she never returned to the ocean. After she left Prince Eric, she took up yoga to relax and stretch out your new legs."

Keywords: Marriage | Disney | Cosplay | Characters | Princess | Reality | Stories

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