Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Categories: Culture

Alexey Chernihiv is an artist, designer, photographer and a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Alexey lives and works in Nizhny Novgorod. The artist mainly paints still lifes, landscapes and portraits. 

But a special place in his soul and work is occupied by images of beautiful women. Alexey has a series of nude paintings in which women appear as both modest and seductive, passionate and shameless creatures.

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Bright nude paintings by a Russian artist

Keywords: Beautiful | Culture | Russian federation | Nizhny novgorod | Women | Paintings | Art | Nude | Artist | Nudity | 18+

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