Bodybuilder gay ill with the coronavirus and in 6 weeks lost 23 kg

Bodybuilder gay ill with the coronavirus and in 6 weeks lost 23 kg

Categories: Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle

Nurse from San Francisco Mike Schultz has always stood out among other colleagues, as it is more similar to a professional bodybuilder. But his brutal appearance and left no trace after he inadvertently became ill with the coronavirus. After several months of treatment he was able to overcome COVID-19, but Mike's friends could not recognize him after discharge, says BuzzFeed News.

Bodybuilder gay ill with the coronavirus and in 6 weeks lost 23 kg

As told 43-year-old American, he, along with his homosexual partner, have visited a theme party for gays in Miami. The event lasted for a week, from 4 to 10 March (quarantine at the moment is not yet introduced), and the party were about a thousand people. Turned out to be at least 38 guests was infected COVID-19.

Bodybuilder gay ill with the coronavirus and in 6 weeks lost 23 kg

Of course, Mike is also sick. The symptoms appeared on day 9, and the situation was rapidly deteriorating. He was urgently taken to the hospital and introduced into the trachea tube to the airway. In this condition the man was four-and-a-half weeks. It is also worth noting that Schultz was six weeks under the influence of sleeping pills.

Bodybuilder gay ill with the coronavirus and in 6 weeks lost 23 kg

Friends barely recognized Mike, and users saw the picture, saw a danger COVID-19. While there were those who did not see the connection between a strong depletion of men and coronavirus. Rapid weight loss they have tied up with the fact that Schultz two months did not take steroids.Bodybuilder gay ill with the coronavirus and in 6 weeks lost 23 kg

Keywords: Athlete | Bodybuilding | Disease | Coronavirus | Body | Figure

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