Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

Categories: Food and Drinks

Belgian cuisine has absorbed the best culinary traditions of neighboring countries - Germany, the Netherlands and France. At the same time, regional gastronomy is strikingly different from each other. In the north (Flanders) they prefer seafood and vegetables, in the south (Wallonia) - pork, beef, game. Truly culinary masterpieces of the Belgians are waffles, chocolate and beer. It was here that pralines were invented more than a hundred years ago - filled chocolates that became famous all over the world. The main types of waffles are Brussels and Liege, which differ in shape and hardness. Belgian beer is not inferior to German beer and is considered a national drink. Its hallmark is the addition of unexpected ingredients such as spices, fruits, honey and rice.

(Total 22 photos)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

1. Mussels with french fries. (Anders Österberg)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

2. Eel in green sauce. (Take away)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

3. Stump - mashed potatoes or other boiled root vegetables. (WFIU Public Radio)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

4. French fries. (cyclonebill)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

5. Waterzoi - a soup based on chicken or fish broth with vegetables. The dish comes from Flanders. (su-lin)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

6. Flemish goulash. (Kmeron)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

7. Tatar steak. (Take away)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

8. White sausage. (alpha)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

9. Brussels waffles. They are rectangular in shape and airy in appearance.([puamelia])

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

10. Liege waffles. They are oval or round in shape and firm in texture. (Parkerman & Christie)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

11. Speculos - spicy cookies. (jenny downing)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

12. Honey cake with spices. (Frédérique Voisin-Demery)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

13. Belgian chocolate. (VISITFLANDER)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy


Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

15. (nate2b)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

16. (jpellgen)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

17. Cuberdon - jelly-like cone-shaped sweets. (VISITFLANDERS)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

18. Chimay. (Ludovic Peron)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

19. Hoegaarden. (Jon Whitton)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

20. Leffe. (Leigh Garner)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

21. Stella Artois. (Steven Guzzardi)

Belgian Cuisine: The Three Pillars of Traditional Gastronomy

22. Blanche de Brussels. (Vinicius Pinheiro)

Keywords: Belgium | Cuisine | Seafood

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