Beautiful landscapes of the Chinese river poets and artists

Beautiful landscapes of the Chinese river poets and artists

Categories: Nature

Although there are a lot of places on Earth that can be called a "photographer's dream", but very few of them can make you feel like you are inside a beautiful painting. One of these places is the Lee River. It is located in the Chinese province of Guangxi, and it is called the "river of poets and artists", because it is surrounded by incredibly beautiful landscapes - green hills, cone-shaped limestone peaks and terraced rice fields. The part of the river between the cities of Guilin and Yangshuo is especially famous for its picturesque views.

Beautiful landscapes of the Chinese river poets and artists

Beautiful landscapes of the Chinese river poets and artists

Fishing with cormorants is also associated with the Li River – an age-old method of fishing, during which fishermen use specially trained cormorant birds.

Beautiful landscapes of the Chinese river poets and artists

These birds dive into the water and look for fish, and then return with it to the boat.

Beautiful landscapes of the Chinese river poets and artists

Fishermen take the fish out of the throat of cormorants and put it in a basket.

Beautiful landscapes of the Chinese river poets and artists

What's the secret? To prevent the birds from swallowing the fish, fishermen tie a rope around their necks.

Beautiful landscapes of the Chinese river poets and artists

In this post we invite you to enjoy the most beautiful views of the Li River and its surroundings.

Beautiful landscapes of the Chinese river poets and artists

In most of the photos, you can see boats with fishermen and cormorants.

Beautiful landscapes of the Chinese river poets and artists

Many photographers have improved their shots of the river with an almost fabulous spectrum of colors.

Keywords: China | River | Nature | Landscapes

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