As before in Hollywood filming sex scenes

As before in Hollywood filming sex scenes

Categories: Cinema

In 1930, Hollywood was adopted the code of ethics of film production — the so-called Hays code. Among other things it has been listed prohibitions concerning intimate shots.

As before in Hollywood filming sex scenes

As before in Hollywood filming sex scenes

If the heroes are lying in bed, one leg standing on the floor

As before in Hollywood filming sex scenes

No "white slavery"

As before in Hollywood filming sex scenes

No Nude silhouettes

Scenes where the characters had to change was allowed, but only if it was "absolutely necessary for the plot". Curvy Actresses tested for compliance to standards of propriety designated "controllers busts".

As before in Hollywood filming sex scenes

You can't show interracial relations

As before in Hollywood filming sex scenes

Only decent dancing

As before in Hollywood filming sex scenes

No tongue!

As before in Hollywood filming sex scenes

You can't show wedding night

As before in Hollywood filming sex scenes

Only heterosexual relationships

Keywords: Hollywood | Movies | Photography | Cinema | The 30s | The rules

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