And laughter, and sin: three women spoke about the strange reasons for which the former of them changed

And laughter, and sin: three women spoke about the strange reasons for which the former of them changed

Categories: Conflict | Europe | Society

To survive infidelity very frustrating, but excuse unfaithful men can even be funny. Explaining the reason why the apostate went to the left, they bring such a ridiculous argument that it is impossible not to laugh.

Three British women who have caught your ex in the hot, heard from them such weird excuses that are unable to remain silent and not to share.

And laughter, and sin: three women spoke about the strange reasons for which the former of them changed

After learning about the affair, women tend to become furious and are ready to smear the wrong partner on the wall. But in these particular cases, the anger gave way to laughter when the ladies heard those stupid reasons why their ex-Boyfriends turned out to be wrong. From sex to excuses that "just confused": the most ridiculous explanation you've ever heard.

And laughter, and sin: three women spoke about the strange reasons for which the former of them changed28-year-old Emily Crouch from West Sussex, met with ex-boyfriend more than two years. They were already planning to live together when the woman saw the accident in his car the brochure of the hotel. Find for her was very disturbing because the Brits already had a bitter experience of betrayal. And she decided to catch her boyfriend red-handed.

Emily called the hotel, claiming to be a colleague lover and asking for information about him, allegedly for reporting. The hotel staff sent her all the necessary information — who stayed with him, the room and even what they ordered for dinner. Armed with these data, the woman pressed the former to the wall, and he confessed that he had met with a married lady for five months.

And laughter, and sin: three women spoke about the strange reasons for which the former of them changed

The couple broke up for a few weeks, but then the boyfriend has promised that more will not meet with that woman, and Emily decided to give him a chance again. However, the unsettling feeling it left. And no wonder: she had once caught them in bed in his house. Apostate tried again to explain something, but the Briton never got to listen to him.

And laughter, and sin: three women spoke about the strange reasons for which the former of them changed

When grace demanded a favorite explanation, he denied everything. Then the British charged him with evidence. After that, the guy started making excuses that if he met along with a lot of girls, this cannot be considered cheating. Love man said that these women were all vzaimoisklyuchayut each other.

And laughter, and sin: three women spoke about the strange reasons for which the former of them changed

And laughter, and sin: three women spoke about the strange reasons for which the former of them changed

One day, after another evening in the company of men beloved Lynette has not returned. Walking down the hallway of the hotel in the morning, the British saw that one door wide open. When she looked inside, then nearly fainted on the bed was her boyfriend, naked, and next to another woman! On the floor were scattered their clothes.

And laughter, and sin: three women spoke about the strange reasons for which the former of them changed

Lynette tried to forgive your boyfriend and continue to enjoy the rest. Oddly enough, the situation repeated again. The next day she went with the girls to work out in the gym. When he returned, the Briton sat down to relax on the balcony and suddenly heard a strange sound. Looking down she saw the couple that had sex in the pool. Looking closer, Lynette realized that the man was her lover.

The British immediately rushed down. A cheater in shock again stammered, "I thought it was you." He tried to justify that very drunk, and the woman was dressed in the same swimsuit as her. Lynette decided not to forgive ex-boyfriend and moved into the room to new friends. Then she bought a plane ticket and flew home alone. Since then the woman never saw him again. She is now happy with another person and I'm glad that those cases had opened her eyes and was not allowed to associate with a cheater.

The woman changed, fuming. An explosive mixture of pain, resentment and frustration and threatening to throw out, and when that happens — watch out, cheater! The history of our heroines from the UK confirm that men don't Wake the lady of the beast.

Keywords: Boyfriend | Ex | UK | Women | Cheating | Lies | Mistress | The absurdity | Deception | Relationships | Reason | Revelation | Parting

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