An office where everything is for people: how Coca-Cola employees work and relax in Shanghai

An office where everything is for people: how Coca-Cola employees work and relax in Shanghai

Categories: Asia | Design and Architecture

Large international companies pay a lot of attention to the organization of the workflow. When designing offices, both functionality and comfort for employees are taken into account. A striking example is the new headquarters of Coca-Cola in Shanghai. On an area of 120 thousand square meters there is an innovation center, a plant for the production of concentrates and, in fact, an office. We'll go there.

An office where everything is for people: how Coca-Cola employees work and relax in Shanghai

The facade of the five-storey building, where several hundred people work, is lined with glass panels. Employees are delivered to it by a corporate shuttle: the headquarters is located at a respectful distance from the center of the world's largest metropolis.

An office where everything is for people: how Coca-Cola employees work and relax in Shanghai

There are many interesting details in the interior of the conference hall where meetings and workshops are held. For example, corporate issues are discussed at four-color tables that symbolize the company's four products: Coke Light (white), Coke Zero (black), Fanta (orange) and classic Coca-Cola (red).

An office where everything is for people: how Coca-Cola employees work and relax in Shanghai

There was also a place for elements of traditional Asian culture. If desired, you can talk not at the tables, but on the tatami.

An office where everything is for people: how Coca-Cola employees work and relax in Shanghai

The office has an excellent dining room, where they serve dishes of both Chinese and European cuisine, but quite often employees neglect visits there. The fact is that during lunch breaks, meetings with celebrities are regularly held. A colorful lecture hall is organized for their performances.

An office where everything is for people: how Coca-Cola employees work and relax in Shanghai

An office where everything is for people: how Coca-Cola employees work and relax in Shanghai

In general, this office is a whole mini-city. There is even a yoga room and a football field, and it is impossible to list everything. Coca-Cola has prepared a detailed tour for you.

Keywords: Coca-Cola | China | Office | Partner post | Shanghai

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