An abandoned world through the lens of Matthias Hacker
Categories: Design and Architecture
By Pictolic photographer Matthias Haker loves photographing architecture. He has a particular artistic interest in the architectural nuances of abandoned buildings, from crumbling dance halls and hotel lobbies to abandoned hospitals and factories. At first glance, his photographs look almost like paintings.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and a real miracle is performed by the one who is able to demonstrate this beauty to another person, giving him the opportunity to look at the world with his own eyes, from his own corner. Such a magician can be called the German photographer Matthias Hacker, who sees beauty in the forgotten, destroyed and abandoned, and shares what he saw with other people, photographing what attracted his attention.
Matthias Hacker finds and emphasizes abstract beauty in decaying architectural structures. To protect them from vandalism and theft, he does not disclose the filming locations.
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