Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Categories: Culture | Fashion

Heidi Lee is a famous New York fashion designer. She creates clothes, shoes and accessories, but Lee is most famous for her headwear. They do not fit into our ideas about wardrobe items that are worn on the head. That is why the most outrageous people of show business and the world of art are among the designer's clients.

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Heidi Lee's creations can often be seen on the pages of such respected publications as VOGUE, New York Times, MTV, New York Magazine. In addition, the fashion designer constantly participates in exhibitions and competitions, both in the USA and in other countries. Heidi Lee considers the international MET Museum Costume Institute Accessory Design Award 2012 to be one of her most significant achievements.

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Among the admirers of Lee's creations are such famous personalities as Anne Hathaway, Lady Gaga, Madonna and Jennifer Lopez. The designer's headwear can be seen at concerts and in the videos of these stars.

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Heidi Lee uses the latest technology to create her unusual creations. First, the designer draws sketches on paper, making many adjustments, and then transfers them to a digital 3D format. Sometimes the artist uses completely unusual methods. For example, when creating the Endless Echo Hat model, Kb scanned her face and printed three-dimensional copies of it on a 3D printer.

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

Amazing Headwear by Fashion Designer Heidi Lee

You have to admit, Heidi Lee's creations won't get lost even among the extravagant hats of the Kentucky Derby.

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