Alcoholic drone from China set a world record

Alcoholic drone from China set a world record

Categories: Asia | Technology

Today, all companies are vying to develop electric cars, boats and airplanes. Therefore, the drone released by the Chinese company Feye UAV Technology attracted special attention. Breaking trends and trends, this aircraft runs on alcohol, and in addition sets world records.

Alcoholic drone from China set a world record

The FY-36 experimental drone was created by Feye UAV Technology specialists in close cooperation with scientists from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The device is equipped with four screws, weighs 15 kg and can accelerate up to 90 km/h.

Alcoholic drone from China set a world record

Of course, you can tell anything, but Chinese inventors are far from unfounded. They fully confirmed the characteristics of their methanol batteries, forcing the FY-36 to stay in the air for a record 12 hours! This is an absolute world record, since before this, only solar-powered devices that were charged during the flight could show such a result.

The developers of the drone, in an interview with the South China Morning Post, reported that batteries with methanol are still difficult to call perfect. These are very capricious power supplies, the operation of which requires certain conditions. For example, when the temperature decreases, the chemical reaction slows down and energy production is worse.

Alcoholic drone from China set a world record

To achieve a record 12 hours in the air, the creators of the drone had to conduct a dozen and a half launches that did not meet their expectations. Despite this, Chinese engineers and chemists are satisfied with the result and will continue to improve their unique brainchild.The chief designer of the aircraft, Zhang Wenyu, is confident that the new type of batteries will radically change the field of unmanned flights. Drones capable of spending many hours in the air without recharging will be indispensable for rescue operations, topographic survey and geological exploration. For sure, the military will also be interested in this development, which is always among the first to react to promising inventions.

Alcoholic drone from China set a world record

In general, alcohol is a wonderful thing, of course, if it is not methyl. There are many ways to use this product in everyday life, and not only as a drink and rubbing.

Keywords: Drone | China | Designers | Developer | Record | Alcohol | Scientists | Electricity

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