A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

Categories: Culture

In the modern era of high-resolution images and the heyday of hyperrealism, the work of Philip Barlow immediately attracts attention. However, a certain effort is required from the viewer in order to force himself to look at the blurred silhouettes and bright spots on the author's canvases.

Probably, this is how people suffering from myopia see the world without glasses and contact lenses. Or maybe they are not suffering at all, because the main thing, as you know, is seen from a distance. And what cannot be considered is so easy and tempting to think out for yourself. What we actually do, looking at these pictures.

A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

A very special world through the eyes of short-sighted people

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