A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

Categories: Food and Drinks

We are sure that these seemingly simple dishes will not leave you indifferent. After all, the author of beauty-the Malaysian artist-architect Hong Yi, put everything into them: both soul and humor and even ... love! It's kind of pathetic to even eat them.

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

A small miracle in a plate

Keywords: Artist | Plate | Food and drink

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