A schoolgirl who wrote the Unified State Exam for 299 out of 300 points revealed the secrets of good academic performance

A schoolgirl who wrote the Unified State Exam for 299 out of 300 points revealed the secrets of good academic performance

Categories: Life hacks | Society

In the admissions committee of St. Petersburg State University, where gold medalist Diana Govorova submitted documents, her exam result was the maximum. 100 points in Russian, 100 points in computer science, 99 points in mathematics. And 5 more points for individual achievements — a medal and numerous victories at the Olympics.

The secrets of a good study were shared by the girl herself, as well as her mother Sofia Govorova. Look, maybe some life hacks will be useful to you in everyday life.

A schoolgirl who wrote the Unified State Exam for 299 out of 300 points revealed the secrets of good academic performance

The first advice from Diana's mother Sophia is as follows: "Do not scold the child for grades!". According to the woman, the most important thing is to give your child freedom of action and the opportunity to be independent.

A schoolgirl who wrote the Unified State Exam for 299 out of 300 points revealed the secrets of good academic performance

When the girl shared with her mother her desire to get a gold medal, she replied that "everything is in her hands." And it's true.

Diana claims that it is useless to "cram" any information. It is important to try to understand it, figure it out, and if something doesn't work out, come back to this issue later.A schoolgirl who wrote the Unified State Exam for 299 out of 300 points revealed the secrets of good academic performance

By the way, in the life of the medalist, there were also twos, but mainly because Diana forgot a notebook with a task at home, and not because of knowledge.

If you don't understand something, don't hesitate to ask the teacher a question. Throughout her life, Diana has never had tutors, because the girl received all the necessary knowledge within the walls of the school.

A schoolgirl who wrote the Unified State Exam for 299 out of 300 points revealed the secrets of good academic performance

In such cases, Diana simply repeated the studied material on her own, and if she forgot something, she turned to the teacher for help.

According to Diana, the correct synopsis plays a very important role in good academic performance. The girl advises to highlight all the important points with bright markers.

A schoolgirl who wrote the Unified State Exam for 299 out of 300 points revealed the secrets of good academic performance

And Diana strongly recommends doing cheat sheets! But don't use them, just do it! What for? The principle is the same as with the selection of text with markers — on a small piece of paper you will be able to write out only the most important points, and so they will be much better remembered.A schoolgirl who wrote the Unified State Exam for 299 out of 300 points revealed the secrets of good academic performance

The gold medalist advises students not to miss a single paragraph, not a single new topic! If you don't understand something in class, deal with it at home. But you can't just ignore this problem. Otherwise, one unexplored topic will soon lead to others.

A schoolgirl who wrote the Unified State Exam for 299 out of 300 points revealed the secrets of good academic performance

Looking at Diana's impressive academic achievements, it seems that the girl is only engaged in teaching, reading, writing and teaching again. In fact, like any girl, Diana likes to meet her friends, walk around the city, take pictures and spend time on social networks.

A schoolgirl who wrote the Unified State Exam for 299 out of 300 points revealed the secrets of good academic performance

Photo from Diana's personal archive

In addition, every week Diana has a day of "doing nothing at all", when she is completely not busy with any business and spends time as she wants.

Reading is very important for the full development of a person. This is especially true for those students who have problems with the Russian language. Diana herself loves to spend time with good literature, and her favorite work is Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita.

A schoolgirl who wrote the Unified State Exam for 299 out of 300 points revealed the secrets of good academic performance

Diana's mother is sure that it was sports that helped her daughter become disciplined and achieve her goals. From an early age, the girl went to a gymnastics school. Classes were held six times a week. At first her grandmother drove her, then she started walking by herself.

A schoolgirl who wrote the Unified State Exam for 299 out of 300 points revealed the secrets of good academic performance

Photo from Diana's personal archive

The girl is a CMC in gymnastics, but in high school, due to her strong academic employment, she had to give up professional sports.

A schoolgirl who wrote the Unified State Exam for 299 out of 300 points revealed the secrets of good academic performance

Some of Diana 's letters

Also, Diana advises to decide on the choice of a future profession as early as possible in order to "click" on the right items. The girl herself dreams of graduating from St. Petersburg State University with a red diploma and becoming a web programmer. We are sure that she will succeed!

And what kind of life hacks do you use to learn new material?

Keywords: USE | Knowledge | Russian | Study | Schoolgirl | Exam

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