A life-long street: a British woman has lived in one place for 88 years

A life-long street: a British woman has lived in one place for 88 years

Categories: Society

88-year-old Madge Jackson is very attached to her house on Cross Street in the British town of Tamworth. Not so long ago, her sixth grandson was born. Over the years, she had lived in four houses, but they were all on the same street. Despite the fact that the districts are changing and emptying, Maje has no plans to move out. She claims that she was born on this street and will meet her death here.

A life-long street: a British woman has lived in one place for 88 years Source: Daily Mail

In 1930, Madge was born at number 23 Cross Street. Her whole family lived here. Over time, Madge happened to move, but each time it was within the same street.

A life-long street: a British woman has lived in one place for 88 years

On the left is the mansion number 30. On the right is little Maje, who is being held in her arms by her own aunt. 

At the age of 8, she moved to her aunt's house number 30. In 1952, Madge married a miner, and the couple bought a house at number 50.

A life-long street: a British woman has lived in one place for 88 years

On the left is house number 50. On the right is a family photo of our heroine with her husband. They are holding their first—born son, Roger, who was born in 1957. 

In 1963, they moved again: two children were born in the family, and there was already little room in the old house. Madge settled in the house number 58, where she lives to this day.

A life-long street: a British woman has lived in one place for 88 years

During her life, Ms. Jackson witnessed two coronations, the Second World War and the coming to power of 18 prime ministers. All this time she was still living on Cross Street.

A life-long street: a British woman has lived in one place for 88 years

The woman remembers how friendly the neighbors used to be. Many children played together and often stayed the night at each other's, no one divided the children into their own and strangers.

A life-long street: a British woman has lived in one place for 88 years

Life was difficult, many families had to face poverty and even hunger, but Cross Street has always been a place where life was boiling.

Madge remembers how she started working as a school psychologist. She found many transformations, but the most painful was the change in her native neighborhood.

A life-long street: a British woman has lived in one place for 88 years

Young people leave the city of Tamworth and move to megacities. Some houses are empty, in others the same old people live out their lives, just like Maje.

About a possible move , she responds as follows:

A life-long street: a British woman has lived in one place for 88 years

Mrs. Jackson is very upset by how unsociable the neighbors have become:

A life-long street: a British woman has lived in one place for 88 years

Her husband Jeffrey died on August 1, 2015, and Roger, the couple's eldest son, who was born in 1957, left this world after his father.

Now Maige is involved in the upbringing of grandchildren, of whom the woman has six. She is constantly asked to move closer to the children, but Maje invariably refuses.

Keywords: Grandma | Britain | Life | Nostalgia | Moving | Old age

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