A gang of pseudo-Nazi bikers keeps the whole of New Zealand at bay
Categories: Society
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/a-gang-of-pseudo-nazi-bikers-keeps-the-whole-of-new-zealand-at-bay.htmlWho would have thought that the world biker capital, it turns out, is not the USA, but New Zealand. It is in this country that the largest number of bikers per capita. With a population of four and a half million people, more than four thousand men dress in leather and ride motorcycles. And almost all of them are members of organized criminal groups.
Local photographer Jono Rotman insinuated himself into the confidence of the leaders of the most notorious gang and created a powerful photo project.
Source: Disgusting Men
The largest gang in New Zealand is the Mighty Mongrel Mob, or simply "mongrels". About five percent of all prisoners in the country are active figures of this group. Actually, crime here is so tightly intertwined with the culture of bikers that the words "biker" and "criminal" in the minds of ordinary New Zealanders are almost synonymous.
The Mighty Mongrel Mob gang originated in the 60s, when a wave of popularity of the American biker movement reached these edges. The marginals, who did not disdain petty crimes, began to buy beushny motorcycles and drive all together. Gradually, the crimes became more serious, and the company became more numerous.
Initially, only whites were accepted into the gang. The "mongrels" were very proud of their European origin and emphasized this with the active use of Nazi symbols. They still do tattoos or swastika patches, wear helmets with the SS coat of arms. Now such costumes look funny due to the fact that the gang consists entirely of Maori and Polynesian islanders.
There are about 30 branches of Mongrel Mob operating in New Zealand. They even managed to capture a small part of the coast of Australia, displacing local crime from there. The key to such progress lies in the fact that Maori bikers feel like members of a military brotherhood, in which a rigid hierarchy operates, as if in a primitive tribe.
The "mongrels" earn their living in ways as old as the world — robberies, the manufacture and sale of drugs, the arms trade. True, the bulk of the income is made up of boring financial frauds. Mongrel Mob are famous for their virtuoso money laundering schemes.
Black Power Gang Members
Keywords: Bikers | Gangs | Crime | New zealand | Portraits | Photographers
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