“A Cow On A Roof”: 10 Wild Pics Of Mother Nature Doing Things On Its Own Terms
Categories: Ecology | Nature | World
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/a-cow-on-a-roof-10-wild-pics-of-mother-nature-doing-things-on-its-own-terms.htmlSome weather we’re having today, huh?
Striking up a conversation about the sunshine or rain might seem cliché, but the weather is genuinely not a bad topic to discuss. Everyone knows about it, is affected by it, and has an opinion on it. And if it’s severe, it’s the only thing most of us want to talk about!
We’re well into summer storm season in many countries at the moment, so there’s a good chance you’ve experienced some intense weather recently. But if you haven’t, count your blessings. Because it can be a nightmare to deal with. Pictolic has gathered photos down below of some of the worst luck people have had with extreme weather. From flooding to snowstorms, Mother Nature never seems to give us a break! So enjoy scrolling through, and be sure to upvote the pics you're glad you didn't take.
#1 This Is Not Snow. It's A Hail Buildup Near A Door In Eastern Colorado From Storms Last Night
#2 Storm Today In Vilnius, Lithuania
#3 The Size Of The Hail In My State Last Night
When there’s nothing else to talk about, we can always rely on the weather! I mean, it’s always there. But have you ever stopped to wonder why that’s the go-to conversation topic? Well, according to Sentient Decision Science, one of the main reasons why is because the weather has such a strong impact on how we feel.
We’re all familiar with the idea of seasonal depression, and you’ve likely found yourself exceptionally energized on a bright, sunny day. Discussing the topic of weather is an easy way to relate to others, as they probably feel the same way about what’s happening in the sky at the moment. And even if they don’t, you can still discuss what your ideal weather would be and why. This might tell you a lot about a person!
#4 Thunderstorm In Guatemala Began Simultaneously With The Eruption Of Mount Fuego
#5 Guess My Neighbor Is Staying Home Today
#6 It Looks Like It's Only Raining Over One House
If you live in a place that has four seasons and doesn’t have extremely predictable weather, you might need to carry a raincoat, an umbrella, sunglasses and a hat with you every day, just in case Mother Nature decides to be temperamental. But why does it seem like the weather forecast is rarely correct? I’ve been waiting around for a thunderstorm all day that doesn’t seem to be coming!
The National Weather Service explains on their site that the process of creating the forecast is pretty much the same regardless of the weather. Computer programs analyze the current conditions, and forecasters use their magic (okay, models, and years of experience) to predict how those conditions will change in the future. But of course, there’s no way to be 100% sure about what the weather’s going to look like tomorrow.
#7 A Tree Limb Penetrated The Neighbor's Roof And Landed Between Their Legs While Sleeping
My 84-year-old neighbor and his wife were sleeping in bed when this more than 20-foot-long tree limb broke off during a wind storm and crashed into their house. This happened around 1:00 AM. They called me for help, and my neighbor was laughing as he explained that the tree limb landed between his legs while he was sleeping on his back on that side of the bed. He crawled back in bed to show me. The limb was inches from his groin area.
#8 Heat Wave In Rovaniemi, Finland (66°30′n)
#9 Goodbye My Beautiful Cherry Blossom Tree
The tree I used to play in as a child, which held bird feeders and hammocks and many a cat, which would drop so many blossoms in the autumn that me and my dad would make a day of raking them, which gave me shade on a sunny day to read, which stood rain wind and shine for over 30 years.
It was dying for a few years as the roots became infected, but we had some strong wind recently and it was finally felled. Goodbye, old friend.
It can be frustrating to not know exactly what the skies will look like in the future, as our plans are often weather-dependent. But as we mentioned previously, the weather can also greatly impact our moods. I love a beautiful, sunny day, but once the weather is hot, I feel lethargic and lazy. I hate getting sweaty just by going outside, and I have much more energy when it’s a bit cooler. I can walk for miles without getting tired as long as it’s not hot!
#10 It Was Not Fun Being In It, Let Me Tell You
Keywords: Wild Pics | Mother Nature | Weather | Nature | Daily life | Daily photos
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