A cat rescued a traveler who got lost in the mountains of Switzerland

A cat rescued a traveler who got lost in the mountains of Switzerland

Categories: Animals | Europe

Not only dogs can help and work as rescuers. One of the Reddit users shared a story about how he got lost in the mountains of Switzerland during a walk and ended up on the territory of an already closed ski resort. "I checked on the map on my phone how to get to the hostel where I was staying, and the only route lay through the passage, which was closed." And then the cat suddenly appeared and led the lost traveler behind her, constantly stopping and looking back, as if checking whether he was following her.

After this entertaining story was published, many users wrote that they also met this cat in the same place, and shared photos. It seems that this little guide takes his duties seriously.

(4 photos in total)

A cat rescued a traveler who got lost in the mountains of Switzerland Source: Bored Panda

A cat rescued a traveler who got lost in the mountains of Switzerland

And here is a cat who helped a tourist who got lost while walking in the mountains.

A cat rescued a traveler who got lost in the mountains of Switzerland

A man was walking in the Himmelwald ski resort. Soon he realized that he did not know how to get out, and the only route on the map was closed due to the time of year and out of season.

A cat rescued a traveler who got lost in the mountains of Switzerland

A cat rescued a traveler who got lost in the mountains of Switzerland

The cat took the traveler to the foot of the mountain and calmly went about her business.

Video of a miraculous rescue by an affectionate cat.

Keywords: Reddit | Guide | Mountains | Cats | Rescue | Switzerland

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