A banker from the USA paid 6 million to change his life and become a "reptiloid"
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/a-banker-from-the-usa-paid-6-million-to-change-his-life-and-become-a-reptiloid.htmlNow 60-year-old Richard Hernandez from Texas, USA looks like a monster from a science fiction movie, but once he was quite a respectable American banker. He spent 83.5 thousand dollars (6 million rubles) to become a "real reptiloid" and changed his name to Tiamat Legion Medusa so that nothing connected him with the past.
Tiamat's modifications affected his entire body. The man removed his nose and ears, cut his tongue, inserted horn implants under the scalp, and also covered his body with tattoos and piercings. He suddenly discovered that he is not a binary personality and therefore wears both men's and women's clothes without hesitation.
Despite the fact that the American already looks more than unusual, he is not going to stop there. Tiamat plans to continue to cover the body with tattoos, insert implants and even wants to remove the genitals. Reptiloid will complete all transformations by 2025.
But Tiamat Legion is busy not only with its own transformation. Recently, he has been looking for his love, as he is tired of 12 years of loneliness. It's interesting, but he wants to see the most ordinary person next to him, without tattoos and piercings. The modifier understands perfectly well that it will not be easy for him to find a companion or a life partner, but life has prepared him well for difficulties.
In an interview with the Daily Mail, Tiamat said that he had a difficult childhood – his parents were drinkers and very violent people. The boy was constantly beaten and insulted, so he left the house more than once. Despite this, he received a good economic education, began to work successfully in the financial sector and even headed one of the major banks.
The turning point for banker Richard Hernandez was 1997, when he was diagnosed with HIV. After that, the man decided to reconsider his views on life and get rid of his human essence. During this period of his life, he often dreamed of a snake that bit, but did not kill with its venom.
On the contrary, in the dream, Hernandez only got stronger with each bite. This dream led him to the idea of turning into a reptilian man. Surprisingly, a few years after the transformation began, the man passed a blood test and found out that there was no virus in his blood! Perhaps it was a medical error, but Tiamat is sure that his transition to the "reptiloids" helped.
It cannot be said that Richard-Tiamat is happy in his new incarnation, but he assures journalists that he feels much more confident and free.
It remains to wish Tiamat to find his love. As the experience of another famous modifier, Ethan Modboy Bramble, who has a wife and child, shows, not everyone is afraid of a terrible appearance when choosing a life partner.
Keywords: USA | Fashion | Reptiles | Tattoos | Piercing | Society | Freak | Modifications
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