9 extreme skills that actors have acquired for roles

9 extreme skills that actors have acquired for roles

Categories: Celebrities | Cinema | World

Acting is much more than just to do my lines and convey emotions. To convince the audience that they really a hero or a villain, not just someone who fulfills a multimillion-dollar fee, much harder.

9 extreme skills that actors have acquired for rolesTo get into character, the actors are ready for more: gaining and losing weight, learning a foreign language, get new skills, like riding a horse, shooting a gun or playing a musical instrument. There are those who buy much more than extreme skills.

Although the vast majority of cases this is not necessary, all the same can perform doubles or stuntmen, but increase the degree of authenticity the film as a whole was significantly better.

Waiting for the next film "Mission: impossible" is, in fact, each time trying to guess which life-threatening stunt Tom cruise to practice for the new series.

9 extreme skills that actors have acquired for roles

He was climbing the skyscraper, flying, clinging to the helicopter, jumped without a parachute, riding a motorcycle into oncoming traffic... But the most impressive and yet underrated skill — one that he purchased for the fifth part of the franchise.

For the final underwater scene Tom cruise two months worked with a specialist in freediving. And though the actor a couple of times down under water, but still possessed of breathing exercises, which allowed him to detain in the film the breath for six minutes.

Sigourney weaver is better known for roles in sci-Fi like "Alien", "Ghostbusters" and "Avatar", but in her biography that, free standing. In 1988 she starred in the biopic Dian Fossey, researcher of wildlife.

9 extreme skills that actors have acquired for roles

In the story, the weaver had to work with the gorillas, and she approached the issue seriously. To primates feel comfortable with her on the set, Sigourney several months, studied their habits, gait and body language in which they communicate among themselves. For this role, Sigourney weaver was nominated for "Oscar".

To play a major role in the film about the famous tightrope Walker Philippe Petit and his famous crossing between the twin towers in new York city at an altitude of 400 meters, Joseph Gordon-Levitt was doing with himself, Philippe Petit.

9 extreme skills that actors have acquired for roles

The tightrope Walker has taught the actor to not only balance, but also to juggle and walk a tightrope on tiptoes. So the rope in film actor he went, no doubles or stunt men. Although the height at which the hanging rope is, of course, the fruit of computer graphics.

9 extreme skills that actors have acquired for roles

Here's how it looked

For the role of Catwoman in "Batman" Tim Burton Michelle Pfeiffer focused on one type of skill Selina Cale — handling the whip. According to Anthony de Longhi, stunt coordinator in the film, the actress is so skillfully mastered the whip, which is the set not just doing rehearsed, but improvised.

9 extreme skills that actors have acquired for roles

Much of this entered the picture. One has to admire the choice of actress. This is much more useful than if she were playing with a ball, say, or licking his tail.

In recent years, the career of John Krasinski goes to the mountain: Jim from "the Office" has turned into a famous Director and actor, proved that he good not only in the genre of Comedy.

9 extreme skills that actors have acquired for roles

Of course, behind all this hard work. So, to prepare for her role in the Thriller "13 hours: the Secret soldiers to Benghazi," the actor not only spent countless hours in the gym to achieve physical fitness, like a soldier, but also learned to handle different kinds of weapons, was tactical training, and, most strange, overpowered the course with the seals.

For the role of a teenager from a dysfunctional family the then aspiring actress Jennifer Lawrence was nominated for "Oscar". Film Academy bribed, how deeply she is believable as her character REE Dolly.

9 extreme skills that actors have acquired for roles

Indeed, during pre-production, Lawrence learned many things, but the strangest, as she told me, was to learn how to skin a squirrel and then cook it. In the film, the character Lawrence is doing it with bare hands. The actress admitted in an interview that the first to see the cooking process proteins, she started to cry and ran out of the room, where there was a master class.

Basically, this whole list could be solely from the skills of Daniel day-Lewis, which he had acquired for their roles: for example, learned the Czech for "the Unbearable lightness of being" or mastered Boxing for "Boxer".

9 extreme skills that actors have acquired for roles

But for the role of Hawkeye in "Last of the Mohicans" actor outdid himself. Before filming began, day-Lewis spent a month in the woods, where he learned to build canoes, to hunt animals and remove their skin, to fight with a Tomahawk, he even practiced shooting and reloading flintlock pistol. The actor was so immersed in the role that was to carry a gun everywhere I went.

To play a girl who grew up on the farm, the main actress Ruth Wilson went to work as usual for her character place.

9 extreme skills that actors have acquired for roles

Almost a month of work on the farm in Yorkshire Wilson learned to shear sheep, trim their tails and hooves, clean stalls and feed. But the most exotic skill was the castration of the lambs. According to the actress, although she realized that farm life was not her calling, but during the filming I felt confident.

In many scenes in the "Argument" shows the people moving backwards in time. As Nolan everything fits thoroughly, the actors had to learn to move in the opposite direction, so that these scenes can be removed as realistic as possible.

9 extreme skills that actors have acquired for roles

John David Washington said in an interview that for the role, he learned "to walk, talk, fight, run, block, and strikes backwards" because Nolan wanted to make a film with minimal use of computer graphics.

Keywords: Actors | Skills | Roles | Extreme

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