8 professions that break the psyche

8 professions that break the psyche

Categories: Health and Medicine

They say: tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are. This saying can be modified with no less truth as follows: tell me what you do, and I will tell you what you are like. In fact, after a fairly long time (5 or more years), the profession invariably leaves an appropriate imprint on a person's personality, including a negative one, although, it would seem, in essence it has nothing inadequate. Here is a small list of such professions.

8 professions that break the psyche

8 professions that break the psyche

1. Lawyer

As a rule, this profession is chosen by people who are very scrupulous and suspicious ("No matter what happens..."). Over time, these qualities often reach the point of absurdity, which repels "normal" people, because even in personal relationships, lawyers begin to look for some kind of trick. Finally, the hyper-formation of lawyers can easily turn them into sullen "nerds".

8 professions that break the psyche

2. Accountant

There is a well-known joke that "accountant" is a "diagnosis". Indeed, some people of this profession are so accustomed to their business image that they even transfer meticulousness and "love" for numbers to their personal life. Accountants have a habit of doing everything clearly and correctly, so anything extreme and new causes them fear and is very alarming. Over time, many people in this profession turn into terrible snobs and bores. To avoid this, accountants need to periodically break away from papers and communicate more with people, because otherwise there is a risk of being a second Akaky Bashmachkin (the hero of N. V. Gogol's novel "The Overcoat"), whose world consisted only of letters and commas.

8 professions that break the psyche

3. Doctor

This refers to doctors who face serious diseases, suffering and death in their practice. The doctor takes on a very big responsibility for patients. Often, the indifference, cynicism and emotional closeness of doctors are only forced psychological protection from stress, which now and then arise on the basis of constant observation of suffering.

Psychologists recommend that people with such a profession share more internal problems and experiences with loved ones, and also do not forget about the empathy that relatives are waiting for. Official troubles and worries should be left at work, and outside of it, try in every possible way to avoid additional stress.

8 professions that break the psyche

4. Military personnel

As you know, military personnel are people of the strictest discipline. Alas, they often "build" even their relatives and friends, turning into a domestic dictator, or even a tyrant. Psychologists say that the military eventually acquire a type of professional deformation of the personality, which is almost impossible to correct. An officer is a way of life.

8 professions that break the psyche

5. Journalist

People who have chosen the profession of a journalist, as a rule, are very modest and prefer to remain in the shadows ("He is in charge of this event, and I only take interviews"). Besides, they are curious. Of course, journalistic practice develops all these qualities, the result of which is not always good. A person may fall into egocentrism and outright tactlessness, he may form a pathological attitude that he is not living his life.

8 professions that break the psyche

6. Teacher

People of this profession are often arrogant. As a rule, they have an overestimated self-esteem, and regardless of the degree of professionalism. It is easy to be significant against the background of a child-a person who is still far from disclosure, and sometimes the teacher's self-conceit results in authoritarianism – if not in relation to school wards, then in relation to the household. Teachers especially need the ability to put themselves in the place of another person, as well as the cultivation of modesty and tolerance.

8 professions that break the psyche

7. Psychologist

It is no secret that many people who have decided to become a psychologist, first of all want to understand themselves, and not the problems of future patients. In fact, due to the constant contemplation of other people's deviations from their own "cockroaches", such people may not get rid of. Moreover, personal problems are often aggravated. And thanks to the knowledge of human nature, psychologists easily become manipulators, shamelessly using others for their own selfish purposes.

Psychologists should clearly separate their professional and personal lives, and also learn not to perceive people only as material for another study.

8 professions that break the psyche

8. Sales Manager

Selling a product, especially an illiquid one, is a whole art that, to one degree or another, forces a person to deceive, deceive, and sometimes simply deceive. Experienced salespeople are people, as a rule, quite clever. Another disadvantage of employees of this profession is excessive talkativeness and excessive artistry, which can become causes of unnaturalness in everyday life. Such people are recommended to abstract themselves from thoughts about work more often.

Keywords: Health and medicine | Professions | Consequences | Psyche

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