8 kitchen life hacks that can change your routine for the better

8 kitchen life hacks that can change your routine for the better

Categories: Food and Drinks | Life hacks | People | Society | World

We spend a lot of time in the kitchen, and sometimes even a little experiment or life hack can make our routine more interesting. For example, it's best to wait and toss the eggs you're boiling in boiling water rather than cold water. And you can turn your coffee into a masterpiece simply by using an orange peel.

We want to share with you these little secrets that will make our life easier, and below you will find 8 of our favorite kitchen life hacks.


8 kitchen life hacks that can change your routine for the better

1. Dip the eggs in hot water to make them easier to peel.

Many of us have come across an egg that is difficult to peel after boiling. But there is an easy way to figure out how to make your job easier. Just toss your eggs into boiling water, not cold water. Once they are cooked, place them in ice water. You can now peel the egg easily.

8 kitchen life hacks that can change your routine for the better

2. Make yourself orange coffee.

It's so nice to wake up with a good cup of coffee. But you can make an even better version of this morning drink for yourself. Take an orange and peel the inside to make the rind look like a cup. Now put a spoonful of ground coffee and add some hot boiled water to this organic cup. Wait a little while the coffee is brewing and you will have an amazingly delicious drink.

8 kitchen life hacks that can change your routine for the better

3. Cook chicken nuggets in a toaster.

If you don't want to cook your nuggets using oil, there is a perfect solution. String your nuggets on wooden sticks and simply cook them in the toaster. You and your kids will love this dish presentation.

8 kitchen life hacks that can change your routine for the better

4. Use watermelon to cook juicy chicken.

There are many good recipes for making delicious chicken, but this hack can make your masterpiece even more juicy. The next time you buy a watermelon, don't throw away the rind. Instead, make a bowl out of it, as shown in the picture above. Then season the chicken and place in this bowl. Now cook it in the oven for 2 hours and your delicious dinner is ready.

8 kitchen life hacks that can change your routine for the better

5. Make chocolate brownies with melted ice cream.

Chocolate cake is a great way to pamper yourself, and if you can make this cake yourself without spending hours in the kitchen, it just gets even better. Take melted chocolate ice cream, add some flour and pour it into a baking dish. Then cook it in the oven or even in the microwave.

8 kitchen life hacks that can change your routine for the better

6. Keep cling film in the freezer for easy unrolling.

No need to mess with plastic wrap. Yes, sometimes it is difficult to unfold a perfect sheet. The next time you use plastic wrap, put it in the freezer when you're done. She won't be so stubborn anymore.

8 kitchen life hacks that can change your routine for the better

7. Bring the dry lemon back to life by letting it soak up the water.

Lemons can dry out very quickly, especially if left in the sun. In this case, you can still save them. Leave them in a bowl of water for 2 hours and they will soon become juicy again.

8 kitchen life hacks that can change your routine for the better

8. Prevent browning of the avocado by storing it with onions.

We don't always use the whole avocado, and if we leave it on for a while, it will turn brown. To avoid this little disaster, store it with onions and the avocado will retain its original color for much longer.

Keywords: Kitchen | Lifehack | Trick | Food | Routine | People | Interesting | Creative | World | Idea

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