8 Actors Dedicated to Making the Best Movies

8 Actors Dedicated to Making the Best Movies

Categories: Celebrities | Cinema | People | Photo project | Society | World

Playing the lead role in a big Hollywood movie is a huge responsibility and requires real talent. And some actors take their passion for their craft so seriously that they actually become their characters and take part in the amazing training to play them. And while we may be shocked by the drastic measures some of these stars are taking, we can't deny that their sacrifice usually pays off and gives us an exquisite film that will remain a classic for decades to come.

We are delighted with the actors who are ready to give their all to create a masterpiece. Here are 8 celebrities who took on a challenging role and ended up giving us an unforgettable performance.


8 Actors Dedicated to Making the Best Movies

1. In the 2012 musical film Les Misérables, Anne Hathaway played Fantine, a poor factory worker. To prepare for the role, the actress had to lose 24 kilograms. She did this by following a strict diet and eating nothing but 2 thin slices of oatmeal paste a day. She later admitted, "It was definitely a break from reality, but I think Fantine is like that anyway."

8 Actors Dedicated to Making the Best Movies

2. In one of the scenes of the 2015 film The Revenant, Leonardo DiCaprio ate raw bison liver on screen. The actor admitted that the props department built an artificial bison liver out of jelly, but instead he decided to eat the real one because he was afraid the fake one might not look real.

8 Actors Dedicated to Making the Best Movies

3. The role that brought Natalie Portman an Oscar for best actress required serious dedication and hard work. The actress revealed that she lost weight to star in the 2010 thriller Black Swan. She said: "I've never worked out so much - doing it for 5-8 hours a day was really challenging."

8 Actors Dedicated to Making the Best Movies

4. As the title suggests, the 1999 film Fight Club had many scenes of confrontation and fights. And in order to prepare for his role, Brad Pitt visited a dentist and asked him to chip off pieces of his front teeth to make him really look the part. However, his publicist confirmed that after filming was over, the actor's teeth would be restored.

8 Actors Dedicated to Making the Best Movies

5. Kutcher played Steve Jobs in the 2013 biopic Jobs. And since the Apple co-founder has been known to occasionally experiment with a strict diet that focuses on eating fruit, the actor decided to put the method into practice. He said, "So I just started drinking carrot juice non-stop all day long."

8 Actors Dedicated to Making the Best Movies

6. At 29, Adrien Brody became the youngest actor to win an Oscar for Best Actor. However, the triumph was not presented to him on a silver platter. To prepare for the 2002 film The Pianist, for which he won an award, the actor confessed, “I gave up my apartment, sold my car, turned off my phones, and left. I took 2 bags and moved to Europe.”

8 Actors Dedicated to Making the Best Movies

7. The 2004 biopic Ray won Jamie Foxx an Oscar for best actor for his portrayal of Ray Charles. And given that the musician was blind, Fox took his game to a new level and agreed to have his eyes sealed and he wore prosthetics. The actor spoke about the experience, saying, “Imagine having your eyes closed for 14 hours a day. This is your prison term."

8 Actors Dedicated to Making the Best Movies

8. Angelina Jolie has had several lead roles in action films, including the 2010 film Salt. And her stunt coach said that the actress does 99% of the stunts herself and only rarely uses an understudy. Regarding this film, the trainer said, "We taught her to combine Muay Thai and Krav Maga for two hours, 3 or 4 times a week."

Keywords: Actors | Actresses | Best movies | Stars | Famous people | Famous scenes | Celebrities | Cinema | Movies

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