74% of men and 68% of women would cheat on their spouses if they were sure they would never find out
Categories: World
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/74-of-men-and-68-of-women-would-cheat-on-their-spouses-if-they-were-sure-they-would-never-find-out.html“There are three kinds of deceit: lies, damned lies and statistics,” British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once said. Deception is also an integral element of treason. From this issue you will learn the statistical side of such a phenomenon as treason, expressed in numbers.
(Total 15 photos)
1. It turns out that previous generations were more liberal towards infidelity: in 1970, only 63% of men and 73% of women opposed infidelity. (Photo: Lisa B./Corbis)
2. About 78% of men believe that cheating is bad, 84% of women share the same opinion. (Photo: Anton Ovcharenko/Getty Images)
3. According to studies, about 25% of married men and 15% of women have had extramarital affairs. (Photo: Hisham Ibrahim/Getty Images)
4. 92% of men claim that emotional needs, and not attraction (lust), persuaded them to change. (Photo: Jose Luis Pelaez)
5. Research conducted in 2010 showed that women are now 40% more likely to cheat than 40 years ago. (Photo: Christoph Wilhelm/Getty Images)
6. 55% of men hide their novels and deny them even when their wife or girlfriend has evidence of infidelity. (Photo: iStock/Getty Images)
7. Studies have shown that 88% of men cheat on their wives (girls) with women who are not considered more attractive than their legal halves. (Photo: Image Source/Getty Images)
8. About 52% of cheating husbands did not consider their marriage unsuccessful at all, as did 34% of cheating wives. (Photo: Yuri Arcurs/Getty Images)
9. About 50% of men claim that they would forgive their wife (girl) cheating with a representative of the same sex (with a woman), but only 22% would forgive cheating with a representative of the opposite sex. (Photo: Design Pics Inc/REX)
10. Very interesting, but only 21% of women would forgive their husband cheating with another man, while 28% would forgive him cheating with a woman. (Photo: Wavebreak Media LTD)
11. 60% of men do not consider kissing cheating. A similar opinion is shared by only 34% of women. (Photo: Ada Summer/Corbis)
12. 85% of women and 74% of men consider it cheating to exchange intimate messages (text messages, emails). (Photo: A. Chederros / Corbis)
13. According to surveys, women are more prone to infidelity between the ages of 25 and 34. 80% of them named unsatisfactory intimate relationships as the reason for infidelity. (Photo: Frederic Cirou / PhotoAlto)
14. According to British research, 57% of women who cheated thought they were in love with the person with whom they cheated on their partner. Only 27% of cheating men felt the same way. (Photo: Hybrid Images/Corbis)
15. Statistical studies show that 74% of men would cheat on their wife if they were sure that she would never know about it. 68% of women would do the same. (Photo: PBNJ Productions/Blend Image)
Keywords: Cheating | Family | Statistics
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