7 women who survived the attack of serial killers

7 women who survived the attack of serial killers

Categories: History | World

It is difficult to imagine that man can feel, who managed to avoid death. Even harder to understand what is happening with those who became a victim of the most terrible crimes and was able to miraculously escape from a deadly trap. Talk about the people who managed to do almost the impossible and continue to live.

7 women who survived the attack of serial killers

7 women who survived the attack of serial killers

Alexander Pichushkin

33-year-old Alexander Pichushkin, known as the "Bitsa maniac," or "killer of the chess Board", a few years kept in fear of Moscow. The number of victims he outdid even Andrei Chikatilo.

The first survivor became the 25th victim, a girl from Tatarstan, Mary Vericheva. She met with Pichushkin after the New year at the metro station "Kakhovskaya", he has an idea, bro her some work, was brought to the place, and then repeatedly struck and pushed into the mine pit from a height of 8 meters.

Maria spent the last hour swimming in the dark before I was able to catch hold of the brace, to climb, to sidenote heavy hatch and get out. All night she spent in the winter woods, the clothes were just tights, and forces to go is not there. In the morning Vericheva found a woman walking through the woods.

Her stamina and lust for life was struck by the doctors, because Mary was pregnant and managed to not only stay alive, but after a few months to have a baby.

Unfortunately, this story is for Maria ended sadly, after 3 years she was jailed for participating in a street robbery. She was brought to identify Pichushkin only in 2007, until that time, Maria was afraid to speak about the maniac and replied that the hatch fell, accidentally stumbled. All this time the maniac continued to kill people.

Alexander Pichushkin was accused of 49 murders and 3 attempts, but the killer has confessed to killing 61 people. The number of future victims Alexander Pichushkin "suggested" favorite game chess: killer planned "to fill in" 64 squares of the chessboard.

7 women who survived the attack of serial killers

Corazon Of Amurao

In 1966 serial killer Richard Speck raped and killed eight students, nursing students, broke into a Chicago townhouse, located close to the local College. The ninth girl was still alive. Corazon of Amurao opened the door to the killer, terrified hid under the bed, and at the time of the massacre, which lasted almost six hours, he simply forgot about it.

When Speck left the house, Corazon found the strength to open the window and call for help. Later it became the main witness in the murder case. In her words was drawn sketch of a suspect, she described a tattoo of a man with the inscription: "Born to Raise Hell", and later opposed him in court.

Speck was sentenced to death which was commuted to life imprisonment. In 1991, the killer died in prison of a heart attack. After the trial of Amurao Corazon returned to the Philippines, got married and became a nurse.

7 women who survived the attack of serial killers

Carol Daronch

In 1974, Carol Daronch of Utah, almost became one of the many victims of the world's most famous serial killer Ted Bundy. Dressed as a police officer, Bundy approached Carol in the Parking lot of the shopping center, explained that her car wanted to steal and asked to drive him to the station to make a report.

The girl became suspicious when strange "police" turned towards the forest, she escaped from the car, but Bundy caught her, handcuffed him and tried to hit with a crowbar on the head. The last effort Carol kicked the offender in the groin, broke free and ran toward a passing car.

Later, the girl gave the police important information about the offender, but for a long time he remained at large, continuing to kill. In 1975 the car, Bundy was stopped by the officer, the cabin was found handcuffed, and Bundy was arrested, accused only in the attempted abduction.

Evidence of the crimes of Ted Bundy were too few, at 77, he managed to escape from custody and only a year later he was caught. After confessing to killing 28 women Ted Bugs were sentenced to death.

7 women who survived the attack of serial killers

Richard Ramirez

In 1985, Richard Ramirez (the maniac nicknamed the Night Stalker) broke into the bedroom window 16-year-old Whitney Bennett. He hit the girl with a tire iron on the head, and not finding the kitchen knife, began to strangle her with a telephone cord. At this point, the cord began to spark, and Ramirez dropped it. The perp took it as a sign of God's will and fled, leaving the victim.

Whitney woke up from a wild pain in the head, got to the hallway and called for help parents who slept in another part of the house. After the attack, Whitney struck 478 stitches, and later she had to go through some plastic surgery and undergo a lengthy therapy to get rid of nightmares.

Later, the girl was able to testify in the case of Ramirez, who was convicted of a total of 43 different crimes, including more than 10 murders and violent rape girls six and nine years, who fortunately also survived. Serial killer sentenced to death.

Several years later, Whitney married the son of one of the police detectives who participated in the search for Ramirez.

7 women who survived the attack of serial killers

Robert Black

Almost twenty years serial killer Robert black preyed on young girls in England. In 1988, he made an attempt on 15-year-old Teresa Thornhill near the house where the girl lived. Black pretended that his car broke down, asked for help, and when Teresa came closer, tried to pull her into his van. Teresa began to fight back, bit the offender's hand and ran home.

Later, black was found guilty of committing four murders and sentenced to life imprisonment.

7 women who survived the attack of serial killers

Kate Moir

In 1986, 17-year-old Kate Moir was kidnapped by serial killers David and Catherine Birnie of Australia. The criminals brought the girl to his house, handcuffed, tortured and raped. The next day, the couple Birnie left the house, Kate was able to climb out the window to escape.

The police at first did not believe the girl, but a full statement from Catherine persuaded the officers to start the investigation. Later David Birnie confessed to four murders, and a couple was sentenced to life imprisonment.

7 women who survived the attack of serial killers

Gary Ridgway

Gary Ridgway preyed on prostitutes because he knew that the police will be much harder to search for victims, who often change documents and place of residence. One rainy night in 1982 Rebecca garde the Guayas was hitchhiking on Pacific highway South. The man stopped and agreed to take her in exchange for oral sex for $ 20.

On the way they were talking heart to heart, until a man stopped the car near the forest. Rebecca began, but after a few seconds, felt that the driver began to choke him, grabbing his throat. She managed to push him away and escape, taking advantage of the moment. Miraculously, she stumbled upon a trailer with a family of tourists who hid the woman and then drove to the city.

Fearing that the police will not believe it and arrest for prostitution Rebecca two years have not reported the assault. Her testimony did not lead to the arrest of the murderer, but helped the authorities to compile a description of the perp. Ridgeway was arrested in 2001.

Thanks to DNA tests, he was convicted of murdering four women and sentenced to life imprisonment. Rebecca garde remains the only known victim who survived his attack.

Keywords: Survival | Women | Murderers

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