7 ways to spot a fake designer handbag
Categories: Design and Architecture | Fashion | Life hacks | Production | World
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/7-ways-to-spot-a-fake-designer-handbag.htmlYou have wanted this for so long. You have noticed one particular handbag. You have saved money and are finally ready to buy a new fashion item. But before you do that, just think of all those retailers looking to sell you a very good copy, or, in some cases, a decent fake copy of designer bags. In fact, it's like buying a luxury car for men: you need to be very careful about the little things and know everything about your dream purse.
We at Pictolic love simple handbags like tomas.kz and they don't have to be branded. And we don't like fakes, so we decided to make this short but very useful guide that will teach you how to choose the real thing and hopefully prevents you from buying a fake copy.
1. Attention to detail.
Every product produced by a world-famous brand is carefully checked for defects before being released on the market. All stitches should be perfectly straight, there should be no loose threads or any other visual defects or imperfections. All of the original designer bags are handmade, so if the salespeople are trying to convince you that this is just a manufacturing defect, don't listen to their stories. Real handbags have no manufacturing defects.
2. Fasteners, buttons, and zippers.
Pay special attention to details such as metal fasteners, buttons, zippers, plates, and locks. They must be of impeccable quality and have a number or name printed on them, which is another sign of quality and authenticity.
3. Materials.
A well-known brand does not use rough leather. They only use fine, quality materials. Some designer bags may be soft and flexible, but they all hold their shape no matter what.
4. Brand names.
Sometimes we can go into too much detail and do not even notice the main thing: the brand name. Surprisingly, on fake items, brand names are often printed in different fonts, fuzzy letters, or even misspellings.
5. Serial number.
The serial number is one of the most important signs of authenticity. The number label is sealed and attached in a special way so that it cannot be removed without damaging it. Fake items usually have a number sticker that has just been posted somewhere on the surface.
6. Packaging.
Keep in mind that an expensive designer handbag always has expensive packaging, often made from the highest quality materials. The box your precious bag comes in must be free of color defects. All optional accessories should be packed with the bag as a whole. They are never offered for additional payment or as a gift.
7. Distinctive characteristics.
Before visiting the store, try to do a little research on the characteristics of the chosen brand. Remember that each brand has its own distinctive features. For example, a genuine Prada item will never use a contrasting color for the lining compared to the color of the handbag. One of the main things you should know about Prada is that they always use the perfect color for the lining and outer material. As for Dior, take a look at their unique bright red lining with woven brand logo. A shiny, super-silky lining is a bad sign.
Keywords: Facts | Spot | Fake | Design | Designer | Handbag | Bags | Fashion | Production | Details | Money | Tricks | Luxury | Real | Brand | Shopping | Bag | Guide | Lifehack | Collection | Style
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