7 unique methods of brewing coffee from around the world

7 unique methods of brewing coffee from around the world

Categories: Food and Drinks

Many can't imagine my morning without coffee. Every day around the world drink more than one billion cups of coffee. Many countries have their own culture of drinking the beverage with specific recipes and different cooking methods, a unique set of spices and varieties of coffee beans.

Here you will find 7 types of coffee, which will give you an idea of the many ways of preparation and consumption of this invigorating drink in different countries. Go to the coffee journey from Vietnam to Italy.

7 unique methods of brewing coffee from around the world

7 unique methods of brewing coffee from around the world

1. Türk kahvesi, Turkey

Turkish coffee boiled in copper or brass coffee pot from coffee beans, finely ground and served unfiltered, pouring with grounds in a special porcelain Cup, which in Turkey is called kahve finjani. The Turku sugar is added just before the boiling beverage that gives it its characteristic sweetness. Sometimes for extra flavor to Turkish coffee, and add cardamom.

Coffee in Turkey is more than just a drink, it is an important element of cultural interaction: often, coffee is served as a gesture of hospitality from the host to the guest.

7 unique methods of brewing coffee from around the world

2. Café Touba, Senegal

Touba coffee is brewed in a conventional coffee maker, but the flavor of the Guinean black pepper and ground cloves. It is believed that this drink was invented by a Sufi Sheikh and founder of the Islamic order Meridia — Amadou Bamba Mbacke in 1880-ies. Since then, the coffee Tube is one of the symbols of brotherhood and it is drunk at ceremonies and festivities of the order.

Initially, this beverage was considered medicinal, but is now sweet and spicy coffee drink everywhere in Senegal, just to cheer up. Trays with coffee Tube can be seen in Dakar on every corner, and now this unique drink has appeared in other West African countries.

7 unique methods of brewing coffee from around the world

3. Cà Phê Trứng, Vietnam

Vietnamese egg coffee tastes more like a dessert, like a custard. For making this drink is egg yolks whipped with condensed milk and sugar until it forms a creamy consistency, and then the foam poured freshly brewed Vietnamese coffee. Egg coffee served hot or cold and don't drink, and eat with a spoon.

Now this coffee can be enjoyed in all cafes of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city, although the laurels of the pioneers claim it café Giang, which employees claim that they invented this unusual drink. To make it, any strong blend of black coffee, although it is best to use Robusta beans, they passed through a Vietnamese coffee filter stainless steel.

7 unique methods of brewing coffee from around the world

4. Cafe de Olla, Mexico

Your distinctive aroma of sweet black coffee Mexican gets through carnation, anise, and cinnamon. To prepare this drink, you need to take spices, ground coffee, raw cane sugar piloncillo (pictured) and bring the mixture to a boil in special clay pots ollas, and then strain through a sieve. Some add in the chocolate drink piloncillo or substitute regular brown sugar, but the unique flavor of the Mexican coffee is always recognizable as the clay cups in which it is served.

Now Cafe de Olla is brewed in every Mexican house, it has become popular during the Mexican revolution and when revolution leader emiliano Zapata, and ordinary soldiers preferred to cheer up with a Cup of sweet coffee.

7 unique methods of brewing coffee from around the world

5. Kaffeost, Finland

Add milk in coffee is a common practice all over the world. Most people prefer milk or cream, but in some regions of Scandinavia in the coffee, and add cheese. Kaffeost, or "coffee cheese", first appeared in Finland, but now this unusual drink, and in the North of Sweden, near the Finnish border.

Pretty solid, easy cheese with a creamy texture and a sweet flavor added to the hot coffee, brewed from beans fine grinding. Coffee cheese is usually sold in large blocks, and its remains can be frozen or decorate the top with fresh berries and serve with this truly exceptional drink.

7 unique methods of brewing coffee from around the world

6. Kopi Luwak, Indonesia

Kopi Luwak topping the list of most expensive coffees in the global market: price per pound this product is a few hundred dollars. This drink is brewed from coffee beans that have passed through the digestive tract and was partially digested civettini, Asian palm-marten. Coffee Luwak is brewed using French press, drip coffee maker or even an espresso machine. It is possible to try in different parts of Indonesia: from Sumatra to Bali, and since its inception it has always been an expensive commodity.

Recently mass production of Kopi Luwak has been criticized by environmentalists, after all, to meet global demand for unusual coffee beans, some manufacturers keep the wild civet in the cells, often in appalling conditions.

7 unique methods of brewing coffee from around the world

7. Espresso, Italy

It is virtually impossible to order coffee in a modern coffee shop, using the Italian language. Most of the names of coffee drinks from Italy, and often their recipes based on espresso. An espresso machine is passed under the pressure of water heated to 89-96 degrees, coffee beans using a fine grinding, and as a result Barista receives a highly concentrated coffee with a frothy top layer.

The list is based on espresso drinks is quite long and includes many famous macchiato (espresso with steamed milk) mocha (espresso with chocolate) and a doppio (double espresso). Most importantly, do not order a "delicious espresso coffee".

Keywords: Coffee | Drinks recipe

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